The wait

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I pointed my finger at my so called 'dad' and felt like strangling him.
"How could you?"
"I didn't know"
"Yeah because you've been gone for 9 years.. that's almost Max's whole life... you could have killed him"
"I know.. I'm sorry"
"Sorry? sorry?... WOW after you almost killing him all you can say is sorry"
"What do you want me to do?"
"You can leave"
"Cameron" my mom said from behind me.
"No mom... it's time.... you can't live with the man who ruined us.. he destroyed us... we can't take steps down we have to move on" I looked at my mother in the eyes and saw sadness. I looked back at my father.
"Leave.. and don't you ever come back"
"NO... LEAVE... NOW" tears started falling down my cheeks. he walked away and I fell to the ground sobbing..Chandler came from behind me and hugged me. I was really crying you could hear my sobs.
"It's gonna be okay...Im here with you" he cooed as I couldn't stop crying.
"I love you" he said.
" I love you more" I said through my sobs.
"Not possible" he said comforting me. After I stopped sobbing. Chandler drove us to the hospital.
"He's gonna be okay" Chandler tried to reassured me. I couldn't stop thinking about Max maybe this was my fault because I left.

We sat in the waiting room for 3 hours. I squeezed Chandlers hand every time a doctor came by. I was anxious to hear progress or results.
Finally after 5 hours of waiting a doctor came up to us.
"Hi are you here for Max Cashes Rousey?"
"Yes" I said quickly.
"Well I regret to inform you that he is going to need surgery." we looked at him blankly.
"His lungs were closed for a long time there is lots of blood filing up in his lungs we just have to get an okay from the mother to proceed with surgery."
"What are the percentages?" my mom asked
"If he doesn't proceed he will suffer for weeks until his body heals itself 30% of death"
"If you do surgery?"
"5% chance of death"
"Can we see him?" I asked
"Umm 2 at a time and only for 10 minutes then we go into surgery"
"Cameron you can go with Chandler and then ill go last with Abel or Kaleb" Me and Chandler walked into the Maxs room.
"Hi max" I almost cried seeing him suffer.
"Hi bubba" at his words I squeezed Chandlers hand and pushed my face into his chest and started crying. I walked to max when I finished crying.
"I love you"
"I love you too... my body hurts"
"I know but in a little while its not gonna hurt anymore."
"What are they gonna do to me?"
"There just gonna help you breath better" the doctor came in the room. I kissed max on the forehead and walked out with chandler and started balling my eyes out in the middle if the hallway. I cried into his chest.
"Shhhh it's okay it's okay I'm here" he cooed

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