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I was walking to class to try to figure out why she hates me so much.She seemed really nice to other people but what was her beef with me?. I wasn't paying attention and I tripped over a backpack but someone managed to catch me.
"Hi babe, You need to be more careful"
"Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going"
"What's wrong?"
"Some girl, I guess she doesn't like me"
"What?He said in a sarcastic voice, babe not everyone is going to like you."
"And why not? Everybody likes you"
"Yeah but thats because I'm sexy af"
"Oh you don't think Im sexy?'
I said playfully knowing that he would play along
"I didn't say that"
We both laughed as we walked into 3rd period Art.
**End of the period**
"Pssshhhh Cam" Chandler said whispering to me.
"Yes Chandler"
"Look at me" I looked at my left and instantly I knew it was a mistake. As soon as I looked at him he flicked blue paint at me.
I looked over to see if Mr. Cornejo was looking at us.He wasn't.
"What was that for?" He ignored me and said.
"I think blue is a nice color in you"
"Oh really?.Well I think red will bring out your eyes." I flicked red paint at him and I smeared the paintbrush on his cheek. His mouth opened wide and he smiled.
"Now what was that for?"
"For tackling me this morning, Making me eat grass, and flicking paint at me" I smiled at the joy of getting payback.
"Mr.Riggs and Mrs.Rousey what going on here?"
"We were painting this. And we got kind of messy"
"Well don't let it happen again" As he walked away we both started giggling.Then I said
"Paybacks a bitch huh?"
"Yeah it is. Watch your back Rousey"
"Will do Riggs"

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