
Start from the beginning

I look down at my wrists in disgust. My eyes begin to tear up and Ana's face softens. "H-He isn't always like this..h-he just needs help," my voice is low, afraid that if I speak louder I might cry out everything I have been holding in.

"He does, but you can't stay with him, amiga," she takes my hand and squeezes it lightly. "Not if he hurts you," she continues and I close my eyes, letting a few tears roll down.

I feel another hand on my arm and look up to see a worried Ivan. "Lina, are you alright? What's wrong?" He hovers over me with a look of concern on his face and I wipe away the few tears that are on my cheek.

"I'm fine, Ivan, no te preocupes," I give him a small smile and he looks at me like he doesn't believe me. (Don't worry)

Luca comes and scans my appearance, trying to see if I'm hurt. "Stai bene, Lina?" he asks with his heavy Italian accent. My eyebrows furrow in confusion and my cheeks redden in embarrassment that I don't understand what he is saying. (Are you ok, Lina?)

Ivan notices my confusion and he turns towards Luca, "Lei sta bene," he tells him and Luca nods his head before walking back to the spot he was standing at. (She's fine)

Ana giggles beside me and I turn my head to the side, raising my eyebrows at her. She clears her throat and returns her attention back to Ivan. "Remember we have to leave soon," he gently tells me and I swallow harshly at his words.

Today is the day I meet my...fiancé.

He nods at the both of us and leaves to return to Luca's side. I take a deep breath and return my attention back to Ana. "I don't want to get married, especially to someone I don't love," I whisper and she caresses my hand.

"I know you don't, but it's better than living on the streets, amiga," she tells me and I sigh in defeat.

We both stay silent for a moment, "I just want to see him one last time," I say in a hushed tone and Ana's eyes widen.

"Lina, you're crazy. You have bodyguards with you twenty-four seven," she lowers her voice as we both look over to Ivan and Luca. "Plus, look what he did to you," she points to my wrists and I try to cover them with my sleeves.

"I know, but maybe..you can help me," I suggest and she looks at me like I'm an idiot.

"So, he can grab your wrists again? Yeah, there is no way you are seeing him again," she harshly tells me and I huff.

"Ana, please...I just want to say goodbye before...before I get m-married," I thickly say the words that I dread and she closes her eyes in irritation.

"What the hell do we tell your bodyguards?" She groans in defeat and I smile.

"I can tell them that you're not feeling well and that you want to see me..alone," I tell her and she nods. "I'll leave my car here and take an Uber to his place," I continue and she instantly shakes her head.

"You want to see him it will be at my house while I watch the both of you," she firmly tells me. "I don't trust him," she breathes and I squeeze her hand.

"He won't hurt me," I try to convince her and she reaches for her glass of water taking a large sip. "We will see, but if he even raises a finger at you I'll kick his ass," she warns me and I sigh.

"Fine," I say and she smiles.

"Lina, we have to go," Ivan calls out and my stomach turns at the idea of going back home.

Ana notices my nervousness and scoots closer to me. "You will be fine, Lina. I don't think he can be that bad," she tries to lighten up my mood, but my mind begins to overthink.

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