-Ok! Ok! Done, let's go...Huh! It's too tiring to clean you, you stinky bunny-

-I'm not stinkyyy-

-Yes you are!

Namjoon: He is cute, isn't he?' he mumbled hearing the conversation coming from washroom and others just nodded unconsciously. Yes, he is!

Jimin came out with the giggling bunny in his arms. He looked so happy and energetic right now. Jimin put him in bed, but the boy isn't willing him to let go yet. He wrapped his numb arms around Jimin's waist and looked at him with his puppy eyes_

Jungkook: Don't go chickenyyy....

Jimin face palmed, 'For god's sake Jungkook! I'm not chicken!'

Jungkook: No you are-

Jimin: I'm not-

~Ok enough!' Jin stopped them and Jungkook looked around to found the others in his room for the first time! He shouted in joy_


Hoseok: Aish don't shout Kookie!

Jin: let him be, Hobi. Kook?' he took the glass and hold it in front of him, 'Have it baby.'

Jungkook looked at the glass with bambi eyes, 'What is this?'

-Wine baby, wine!' Yoongi sassed.

Jungkook's eye lit up, 'Wow! The grumpy cat can talk too?' Yoongi rolled his eyes and Jimin jus chucked hearing him. Yoongi glared at him, 'WHAT'S FUNNY?'

Jimin: This is a perfect name for you hyung.

Yoongi: Shut up idiot. And you....just drink it without blabbering.'

Jungkook pouted sadly, 'Meanie.'

Jin sighed, 'Yoongi stop it. Kookie? Here have it bub'. He said softly and Jungkook grabbed the glass with his both hands and finished the drink in one go. They was expecting a scream or something, but_

Jungkook: WOAH! That was tasty...' he said happily.

All of their eyes went wide!

Namjoon: The heck- hyung are you sure you gave him the right drink?

Taehyung: Shouldn't it be the bitterly hangover drink?

Yoongi: Did you really give him wine or something Jin hyung?

Jin looked more than shocked, 'I don't know...I'm confused...What did I even gave him?

Hoseok: Kookie? W-was it really good?

Jungkook looked at him with doed eyes, 'Yes! But, what is a Kookie?' he asked innocently. They widen their eyes hearing him.

Jin came near him and sat beside him, 'You are Kookie, don't you remember? You are our little cute brother, Jungkook-ie?'

Jungkook pointed and himself and asked Jin, 'I'm Kookie?'

Hoseok nodded, 'Yes baby! You are our Kookie...Our baby.'

-No....I'm not Kookie.' Jungkook suddenly started shaking his head in a negative and sad way making others confused.

Taehyung: Why you are saying like that kook?

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