"Ooh which one?" Harry asks, laying on his stomach on Zayn's bed next to Liam.

"Four. Where's everyone else?" I ask with a mouth full of popcorn.

"Niall and Louis are on the roof singing to the fans outside. Haven't heard from Zayn since he said you told him yes." Liam recalls.

"He told you..." I feel the guys staring at me but I stare intently at the tv screen.

"He did. We weren't totally sure if you'd say 'yes'." Liam tells me.

"Don't make this a big deal please." I look over to the guys. "I know everyone outside will probably make a huge fuss over it so just- play it down please?"

"Sure." Harry shoves more popcorn in his mouth. He then takes another handful and chucks it at Liam's head.

"What was that for?!" Liam throws a handful of popcorn back at Harry. Of course Harry chucks another handful back.

"Don't make me kick you out." I warn them without taking my eyes off the screen.

"Aww don't be a party pooper." Harry giggles at his joke, throwing popcorn at me.

My head snaps in his direction, and my eyes narrow at his head.

"I'm sorry!" Harry says, dropping the handful of popcorn on the floor and raising his hands above his head in surrender.

"That's strike two!" I tell him.

"For both of us or just Harry?" Liam asks defensively.

"Don't push it."

"Got it." Liam nods and looks back at the tv. "What even is this?"

"Have you never seen Harry Potter Liam?" I ask.

"Of course I have. But what is this?"

"It's the Italian version." I inform him- quite proudly.

"Why are you watching the Italian version?" Harry asks.

"Because that's what they had!" I yell in defense.

"Hello?!" Niall calls from the other room.

"We're in here!" Liam calls out to him. Niall's head appears in the doorway a second later.

"Hey we're gonn- is that Harry Potter?"

"Yup!" I shove another handful of popcorn into my mouth. "Watcha gonna do?"

"Oh yeah- Louis and I were gonna order pizza, do you guys want anything?" He asks.

"Get a cheese for me and Zayn, a half cheese/half pepperoni for you Niall- then a white pizza for Louis and Harry, and Hawaiian for Liam." I tell Niall, shoving more popcorn in my mouth. "Is that good?" I look over to Harry and Liam to see them nodding in agreement.

"How'd you know that?" Liam asks.

"I know my stuff." I turn the tv off. "I'm going up to the roof- I can't be stuck in here anymore."

"Zayn and Louis are up there now." Niall tells me as I leave the room.

"Okay, thanks." I grab a hair tie and twist my hair up into a messy bun. I walk down the hall to the elevator, and press the button for the roof. I don't bother pulling out my phone for the wait since it's only one floor up. The doors open and I walk out to see Louis and Zayn over by the railing- looking down at everyone below them.

I crouch close to the ground, and jump up, tapping Louis' shoulders, yelling "BOO!"

"AHHHH!" Louis screams. Zayn chuckles at him.

"Watcha doin up here?" Zayn asks me.

"I got sick of being stuck inside." I say, moving to the spot on the railing in between the two guys.

"Here." Zayn says, putting a pair of gold-rimmed sunglasses over my eyes. "Be careful or someone'll figure out who you are. You wanted to keep it a secret right?"

"Yeah- thanks." I say smiling at him. He smiles back of course. He's so cute when he smiles. I feel Louis staring at me so I turn away from Zayn quickly and lean over the edge of the building. "Woah- that's a lot of people-"

"Yeah. More by the hour." Louis leans on the rail next to me.

"What're you just watching them?" I ask.

"Yeah, pretty much. We'll sing to them every now and then but it's hard because they don't shut up so they can actually hear." He tells me.

"What's your schedule for tomorrow?" I ask them. Their concert is tomorrow night.

"Uhh rehearsals at 6:00, work out at 10:00, lunch break at noon- then rest until 4:30 when we have to leave for the concert. Then more rehearsals until 6:30- we'll then change and what not. Probably mess around in the garage for a bit. Then concert starts at 7:30." Zayn rattles off.

"Wow. Well- Niall ordered pizza and it should be here soon. I'm gonna go eat- if you guys want any. I can probably bring some up if you want." I tell them, backing away from the railing.

"Nah- we'll be down in a few." Zayn winks at me, smiling.

"Okay- well then, I'll see you there."

Author's Note:

Hey guys! I'm SO sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'm just so busy with school now and whatnot. Ik this chapter wasn't the best but y'all gotta start commenting ideas for me- I have absolutely no idea where this story is gonna go- and istg im gonna end up killing Zayn or some other shit like that if I don't start getting ideas. (Jk I would never kill Zayn but something bad will happen)


As always stay safe and happy and I'll see y'all later. Love y'a!! ;) <3

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