Chapter 21

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Sex, money, and drugs; It's not all a person would want or need, but in a situation where a demon is sleep deprived and has an uncomfortable ache deep inside, it's what they desire the most.

Every night, Lust scours the city lights with a beer in hand and a woman she just met wrapped around their arm. Most nights, Lust comes home along with one or two strangers in their bed. On their fours, the demon smokes weed while destroying a woman's back with pleasure. The eroticism and the high of drugs make you forget about reality for a moment. But once its climax and the soberness sets in, Lust's conscience returns to hunt them with pain and realization that no matter how high or they fill themselves with ecstasy, the memory of those words that her wretched brother spoke echoes in her mind.

"Do you really think she's been faithful from the promise you two made a vow for?"

"Faithful, huh." Lust murmured as she took a huff from the joint; Thick smoke exited from the demon's mouth.

A woman got up from the bed and held the demon from the side, and she then took the joint away from the demon's hand, also taking a hit from the joint.

"Want to go for round two? It's too early for a night's rest." The woman said as she travelled her hand down Lust's thighs.

Lust sighs. "Come here." The demon pushed the woman down on her back.

The woman puffed another smoke which gave Lust a chance to embrace both of their lips where the smoke invaded their mouths.

After the incident that could have potentially gotten worse for Jennie, Lust suggested taking a week off for her to recover. During Lust's absence, the doctor updated Jennie's state. He mentioned the young woman's exhaustion, perhaps relating to her overworking. However, Jennie was consistent in finishing the song despite the doctor's advice. So, to find a solution, Lust decided to announce a meeting.

Lust eyes lingered from left to right, where four girls were seated. Behind them are their managers and bodyguards, watching the demon with utmost curiosity. After Lisa heard the news, she did not hesitate to return to Los Angeles to keep a close eye on her older member.

"So, we all know why we are here." Lust started, and the people in the room did not respond. Jennie tilted her head down in guilt.

Lust notices the expression of shame coming from the petite woman.

"It's not your fault." The demon reassured with a whisper, for only Jennie could hear.

"Due to events that could have potentially endangered the girls well being. I, unfortunately, have to cut a few benefits. That means no more parties or any exploring independently. From now on, you will have your managers on sight as well as bodyguards to ensure your safety." Lust declared.

With the paparazzi flashing headline about Jennie's condition, the demon had to bribe some to prevent any chance of becoming a trend. Especially with the scandals or rumour that continues to flood Jennie's reputation, they don't want to add more about her circumstances.

The meeting continues as the girls ask their questions. However, out of four girls that asked, one stayed silent with a concerned look. As the girls went back to making music, Lust made their way up to the top floor to have a smoke.

They light a stick and inhale a familiar flavour. Roseanne entered to see the demon standing lost in thought.

"Hey," Roseanne spoke to gain the demon's attention. "Are you doing okay?" Roseanne asked in concern.

The demon could not look into the young woman's eye. It reminds them that Roseanne's eyes only land on her brother.

"Mhm." They simply answered.

"Where did you go?" Roseanne implied the other day at the hospital where the demon did not return.

"Something came up and I, unfortunately, had to leave." Lust spoke. "However, you did get your water from one of your managers yes? I made sure that you were still hydrated."

"I see," Roseanne expressed. She fidgets her hand, thinking of what to say next.

"So, about revising the promise-" She began but was interrupted by Lust.

"Right, I appreciate that you mentioned that. Due to the high security, we have to cancel our painting lesson for the remaining of our collaboration."

"What? Why?!" Roseanne exclaimed. "We can still continue the lesson despite the situation."

The value of having the painting session for Roseanne was not the excuse of being around Lust but an opportunity to visit Pride during her spare time. With that lesson removed along with the high alert for security, it would be more difficult for the couple to meet.

"As I said, I must keep an eye out for my responsibilities. Therefore, deducting that schedule will benefit my attention to my priority." Lust reasoned.

An attractive woman walked by which diverted the demon's attention as the woman strutted, showing her backside.

"Speaking of priority. Hello," The demon flirtatiously commented while staring at the woman's ass.

Now that the demon's demeanour returned with flirtatious gestures, it began to annoy the young woman. But knowing the promise is abandoned, she doesn't have a choice but to let them be.

While keeping her composure Roseanne spoke in slight annoyance. "Can you at least focus on this conversation without flirting with anyone?"

The demon raised a brow as they crossed their arm together.

"Why not, Ms. Park? It's not like you own me. I can do what I want now that I have cancelled our lesson. I can have my sex and business while you can still have this time to do what you want to do with caution. My sex problem has been fixed." Lust said.

The words rang into Roseanne's mind. Lust was right, Roseanne doesn't have a place to tell them what they can do with their lives. But those sentences they spoke, 'It's not like you own me' gave her a slight pang of pain as if she was rejected.

"You're calling me by my last name again. Didn't we agree to call each other by our first name?" Roseanne noticed as she tried to find an excuse, wondering what caused the sudden change of behaviour of the demon.

"Correct. However, it's not going to be us most of the time. So, it's best to keep this professional from now on, Ms. Park." The demon explained. Their tone was low, and their expression was neutral. Implying they meant what they stated.

"But-" Roseanne tried reaching her hand forward, but a voice shouted from behind.

"Lust!" Jisoo called from a distance. With that, Lust immediately backed away.

"I must go, and as for you, it is best to get back to work." The demon finishes her cigar before leaving Roseanne on the roof.

She sighed, wondering what could have gotten the demon put in such a bad mood such as that.

Lust stopped as they turned their head over their shoulder. They sighed, syncing Roseanne's before leaving and resuming their task. 

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