Chapter 9

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A few weeks have passed, but the same routine continuous; Lust is still prohibited inside the studio and waits for the girls at the rooftop. Overall, the progress has been positive nevertheless.

Lust is now wandering around the building since the devil got bored drawing and writing in one spot. As the devil walks, she stumbles upon a room that seems to be an office. The devil took a peek at the side and saw a fellow printing numerous copies at the printer; she recognized the man and approached him with a greeting.

"Ah well, if it isn't Sam." The devil cheered. Sam turned his attention to the devil and was surprised by her presence.

Sam smile. "Ms. Smith, it's been a while. Are you here to visit?" He queried.

"Why I'm more than a visitor but a collaboration for business." She replied. The answer made the young fellow curious.

"Is that so? Who are you partnering with within this industry?" The demon showed a devious grin, hinting that the young man knew who she was going to mention.

"It is other than the man with miraculous music that always stays at top one, the musical Einstein." Lust announced.

Sam then tilted his head in confusion. "But, Ms.Smith, you are not a fan of music, especially coming from Mr. Wright."

"Obviously, but I'm not doing this for myself; it's for a deal I had with another company." Lust stated. Sam suddenly was in deep thoughts but suddenly realized the deal she was implying.

"Could it be that you're mentioning the girls that are collaborating with Mr. Wright?" Sam asked in excitement.

"Indeed, you're right; they are quite a gal to be in this partnership." Lust spoke in confidence.

"That's so cool that you collaborated with 'The sly' they're very famous here in America," Sam said, causing the demon to frown from a different mention.

"The other group, Sam, not those cheesy ones here in L.A.," Lust scolded.

Sam then gasped, "You mean, you made a deal with Y.G. entertainment to bring Blackpink in our company?" He nervously spoke. "It made me realize that I am working with them this morning."

Lust's expression brightens, knowing that Sam will be one of the producers collaborating with the girls.

"Why, that's excellent to hear; I was wondering when you'll show up." Lust spoke. "You're one of the best music men I ever made a deal with."

Sam also made deals with the devil to work in the entertainment industry on pursuing to make music. Now, Sam works in Premium entertainment as an assistant for Albert Wright.

"Really? I'm glad to hear that." Sam blushes. The printer made a beeping sound indicating that the print was finished. Sam attempted to carry loads of copies in one go but failed and almost knocked the whole files down, which could have been more disastrous.

Lust noticed the man's struggle and took a portion off the man's pile. "There you go, much lighter. She said.

"Ms. Smith, you don't have to; it is quite embarrassing to me for a businesswoman helping me carry files that do not work here." Sam insisted.

"Don't be so panicky now, Sammy. You and I are working together in one collaboration, as you mentioned before. Might as well help the gem for brighter music." She reassured. "After all, it's a favour for a favour."

They both arrive at the studio where Albert and the girls are working. Once Sam opened the door, they met a frustrated Albert.

"What took you so long?!" He shouted. "You are just going to print copies which only takes a few seconds, and yet it took you minutes." Albert scolded without realizing the demon was in his presence.

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