Chapter 6

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From the numbers of pickups and drop-offs from each girl, they all arrived at the nightclub a few hours later. The club was filled with people with a high reputation for music and acting. Lust stared down at the crowds below, enjoying the sound of music blasting and lights flashing.

Lust joins the crowd, greeting and drinking as she passes by until she sees the four girls. She had a conversation asking how the party is treating them and other nonsense that comes from the devil's mouth. An attractive woman passes by the demon, giving her such desiring looks, which caught Lust's attention and returned with the response by staring down her toes up to her bust with a smirk.

"Hello Lust, do not get yourself distracted now," Jisoo said while waving her hand in front of the devil's face.

Lust continues to stare at the woman in an utmost desire to explore the pleasure of the stranger's body. Lisa follows the direction that Lust was hungrily staring.

"Now that I'm noticing the pattern, you hooking up with women; one from the airplane and one from what I heard, you did some nasty in the YG building. You even said that you hate men." Lisa said, figuring out the devil's sexual orientation.

"Well, of course, who wouldn't like women? They are more than just sensuous; indeed, they can explore things you can never experience in your life than sticking to one thing like dick into vagina shit. It's quite boring." Lust claimed with a lopsided grin.

Lisa narrowed her eyes, trying to understand the devil's statement. "So, you like women more than men. Does that mean you're...Bi or Lesbian?"

"I do not fall into any of the mortal's spectrum of orientation, for as long as I give to receive, I will continue to live. Nevertheless, if you would like to know whom I fall into, I am most likely a Pansexual." Lust explained. Rosé overheard the conversation and somehow got her under curiosity.

Rosé decided to walk towards the two, who continues to talk nonsense until she sees Lust looking at the attractive woman slowly but sensually approaching Lust in the crowd with a drink in hand. The air feels heavier between the two in every step the woman takes.

Until a loud thud behind them broke the tension. There seems to be a bar fight emerging. Lust changes her full attention to the fight and tries to identify the man who is disrupting her nightclub but low and behold; it was a fellow demon tugging a man's shirt while shouting the question.

Lust was about to break the scene until a stranger clung her arms around Lust's neck, resting her weight on her. "Y/n!" The stranger cheered, to which Lust quickly turned her head at the stranger in fear.

Her eyes widen as she recognizes the stranger. "What the hell are you doing here?!" Lust exclaim as she quickly shifted her eyes to the girls who are distracted from the bar fight. The devil felt relief that the girls did not hear the forsaken name.

The stranger giggles. "Our boss sent us here to come get you." The stranger replied as she continues to cling to the devil's neck. "I miss you and your fucking Y/n." The stranger whispers in her ear. "Let's do it now while they're distracted." The stranger roams her hand down the devil's pants, but Lust grabbed her hand, preventing the stranger from the attempts.

"Why is our boss here, Sloth?" Lust questioned in a lower tone with their faces are inches away from each other.

"It's Sally to you. When we're here among the mortal's, you call me Sally, not Sloth." Sally stated. Lust frowned from the woman's new name but shrugged it off as Sally continues. "Our boss is here for the deadly sins meeting, but you were ignoring our calls, causing our boss to sent us out to find you."

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