Chapter 10

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Once Rosé was dropped off at a friend's house, one thing the demon did not know was the 'friend' she was meeting up with was a demonologist. The young woman steps in front of a door. The house seems to look normal, like the other house beside it.

Rosé knocked on the door three times then waited for a few seconds. There were sounds of shuffling from the inside, the sound of furniture and fabric dragging on the floor.

The young woman frowned in confusion, wondering why the owner of the house sounded like it was in a panic. Before she could think further, the door swung open, revealing a tall woman. The woman looked old but not too old for the wrinkles to sag and droop, the body features looked slim with curves forming features, and her hair was a curly greyish colour. The best way to describe the tall woman is by visualizing mother Gothel from Repunzel. The tall woman glares down at the young lady in front but soon changes into a welcoming smile.

"Why, hello there. I haven't seen a young gal like you around this neighbourhood." The tall woman beamed. Her outfit looked like the generic attire in a peaceful neighbourhood; It made Rosé speculate about what she heard a few seconds ago.

"Um, yes, I'm here for this." Rosé pulled out her phone, showing an image with an address written to the house's exact location. "But I must have mistaken the address, so I'll just-"

"Come in." The tall woman interrupts with a monotone voice. She then set herself aside to let Rosé enter the house.

Rosé scans through the dimmed living room; it seems normal with generic furniture. There are no demonic equipment or repellants that could indicate demonology.

"Follow me." The tall woman said as Rosé saw the woman walking through a dark hallway.

The afternoon sun rays and reflects through the windows and the hallway, so in every step Rosé took, some lights flash through.

The tall woman then stops at the end of the hallway. In front was a bookshelf filled with books and vases. The woman slides her fingertips in every book's spine then stops at a book called 'The Inferno by Dante Alighieri.' She pulls the book and opens an entrance leading down what assumes the basement.

The tall woman looks at Rosé. "You may enter and find yourself a seat. But, don't touch anything." She instructed.

Rosé understood and entered the terrifying staircase; the only light she was relying on was the light from the entryway. But suddenly, the shelf slams shut with no sign of the tall woman following behind. Rosé only stood still until lights on each side lit up leading down the stairs. She slowly goes down the stairs as she starts to doubt her decision, not knowing what will happen to her in the basement; she could be sacrificed to the devil himself by a cult that the tall woman will host. Scenarios run through her head as she finally reaches the room.

The room has candles lit showing the cabinets of all sorts of things. There are gems, books showing symbols and ancient words, stacks of files and toys or what Rosé could assume cursed toys. One doll that looks like a sack with a scribbled face is staring intensely into the young woman's eyes; it tempts her to touch it or even tell her what she desires.

Rosé reaches her hand at a slow pace, wanting to at least touch the doll due to her curiosity about what the sack would feel like.

"I told you not to touch anything, have I not?" The tall woman spoke from her behind, holding a chamberstick candle. Her attire changes into a long dark cloak with a yellow outline. Rosé quickly snatches her hand back in embarrassment.

"Sorry," Rosé whispers and looks down at the ground, avoiding eye contact towards the woman.

"Come now, we have things to discuss." The tall woman walks ahead to which the young woman follows. "The reason why I am not letting you touch anything here is that this very room is filled with cursed demonic things that us humans, as well as other demons, had created. If you by any chance touch or even graze any part of your body from the things on the shelf, let me know immediately so we can do some exorcism." The tall woman added. Rosé could only hum in response, understanding the reason.

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