Chapter 19

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In a blurry and echo vision, Lust hears the sound of instruments being plucked and thumped, the sound of people cheering and laughing along. In the eyes of the demon, they see lights and people dancing; Though there are many in pairs, Lust only had her eyes on one woman who was cheering and dancing along to the beat.

The two made eye contact, to which the woman smiled and approached the demon. The woman dragged Lust into the middle of the crowded dancers. The pair danced close to each other with hands clasped while they swayed to the music as they expressed their joy for one another. That night was as bright as the stars.

Lust woke up with a sharp pain in the back of her neck. The demon sat up from her bed.

"Another dream." Lust spoke to herself.

She surveyed the room and immediately knew it was her penthouse due to the interior design of her very room. Though, she wondered how she got here in the first place.

Roseanne was seen entering the room where Lust was resting. In her hand, she was carrying an ice pack and painkillers.

"Oh good, you're awake," Roseanne sighs in relief. "I wanted to send you to the hospital, but Lexy advice me to bring you to the penthouse." She quickly explained.

"That ball really hit your head so hard, maybe you got a concussion? Let me know when you feel any nausea or dizziness or if you feel sluggish," Roseanne added as she read through the signs on her phone.

"Nope, I'm alright, in fact, I never felt better; napping is all I needed." Lust reassured. She rubbed her hand on the spot where the ball hit. It stung for a moment when their hand met their skin.

Roseanne observed the demon, who was still soothing their pain. She then handed an ice pack, but a stubborn Lust refuses to attempt to act tough. However, as stubborn as the demon, Roseanne is ten times more.

She placed the ice pack at the back of Lust's head. Roseanne rested her arm on their shoulder, which then caused her hand to pull their face closer. Her eyes were staring at Lust while they were staring at Roseanne's lips.

"Something's up. Is there something or someone bothering you?" Roseanne asked. "And don't you dare lie to me or make any excuses." She added.

Lust looked away, sighed and whispered. "I despise the dishonesty law."

"Well, you see, imagine a dog who has not been fed in the past few days. For a while, they would show aggression, but eventually, they would show weakness; even losing an ability day by day." Lust explained.

"As you can see, that is happening to me." They pointed themselves from top to bottom.

"You haven't been eating?" Roseanne exclaimed. "But why?"

"That question is still something I'm still trying to answer. An unorthodox inquiry that needs to be solved by me." Lust answered. "Perhaps it has something to do with you." Lust implied.

"Me? I never told you to stop eating." Roseanne objected. "I would never tell anyone what to do with their body." She continued.

Roseanne then stood up and rushed out of the room leaving Lust to hold the ice pack. The demon seems confused by the sudden departure of the young lady, but it was answered when Roseanne returned with a tray of snacks and water.

"Here, this is the only food I found in your kitchen, but it will at least help you bring back some energy," Roseanne said as they placed the tray on Lust's lap. The demon chuckled from the woman's care and concern.

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