Chapter 20

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The demon stares at the door where a sign is attached to Albert's door. Jisoo called in sick today and asked Lust a favour to check the studio once and a while for Jennie.

After the girls were done yesterday, they usually drove back with a routine of one of the members being loud and obnoxious, causing at least one of the oldest to scold them to be quiet. But this time, it was quiet with its deafening silence in the van. The only voice Lust heard was Ms. Kim asking Jennie whether she was feeling okay, only a nod from Jennie in return.

As she took a large intake of air, a door swung open, which took Lust by surprise. In front of her was Albert holding the door for Jennie. His eyes were fixated on Jennie, not noticing the demon's presence. Lust had her mouth agape intending to speak, but Jennie's quick pace to exit stopped her from doing so. The demon could only do was watch her walk away. Observing the woman's pale skin with her head low and nervous eyes, it was odd behaviour for Lust, knowing Jennie's demeanour had always been a mixture of sass and innocence.

She returned her glare at Albert, who had his smirk plastered on his face, realizing the woman in front of him was the demon he showed fear of. His smirk quickly turns into a panic as he quickly closes his door. Lust was ready to kick the door down but considering her priority right now prevented her from the aggression, and that was making sure Ms. Feline Kim makes it to the exit safely. She looked at the door once more before finding Ms. Jennie Ruby Jane Kim.

It took a few minutes for the demon to spot Jennie, she noticed Jennie walking at a slow pace. The slow pace you would expect from a short petite gal. However, her speed was odd. Her foot slides on the dark hallway floor, then stops as she puts her hand on the wall to support her from falling before continuing after taking a minute of rest. The route she is taking is longer than she usually goes. The hallway she's in is a place not many staff or other artists go because of how long it takes them to get to the main exit.

Jennie once again stops, causing Lust to stop at a safe distance. The petite woman's head swung slowly from left to right. Knowing what was going to happen, Lust made her way to the woman whose head then swung to the right, almost hitting the wall. But just in time, the demon's hand blocked it from getting herself harmed. Jennie then collapsed on the floor, which Lust caught her in time.

"Ms. Kim," She whispers in a worried tone.

Jennie slightly opened her eyes for a moment to only see Lust's soft eyes before closing into a deep slumber. The demon gently shook Jennie to keep her in a conscious state, but there was no use.

Without hesitation, Lust lifted the woman in her arms, making sure the woman was comfortable. She lightly jogs her way to the exit where Jennie's manager is waiting. He immediately notices the situation and approaches the demon.

"What happened?!" He exclaimed as he walked along with the demon.

"She has fallen unconscious. I do not know why so I suggest going to the hospital immediately." Lust commanded as they both made their way to the van.

The manager opened the door for the demon to set Jennie down on her seat. Paparazzi were flashing and getting into their space to capture anything from Jennie's condition. Lust was able to close the door behind them as she let Jennie rest her head on their shoulder.

The camera lenses were like leeches sticking on the tinted window as they continually flashed through. The demon noticed immediately and decided to cover the woman's face with their bomber jacket.

In a total of three minutes, the driver got away from the paparazzi who were blocking his path and went straight to a nearby hospital. Lust carried the petite woman to the emergency room, where a group of nurses and doctors pulled out a stretcher to place the unconscious woman.

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