Chapter 13

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Loud footsteps walk back and forth while the night shines through the city. Amenadiel paced himself on the roof in deep thoughts, wondering how he could approach his explanation about the mission to his father.

"How am I supposed to explain to my father that the soul is trapped in a woman's body?" He spoke within himself. "Have I failed to do such simple task?" The angel stops before shaking his head in denial. "No, I will not disappoint my father and the honour of our family. They're just demons, while I am a celestial protecting the mortal world. They are no match from me."

A figure walks in the roof with his hands in his pockets. "Are you done with your moment, wing man?" The demon started. A familiar voice causes the angel to look at Pride standing confidently with a smirk written on his face.

"Your prohibited to be here, Pride. Stay where you are so I can put you back where you belong." Amenadiel asserted as he approached the demon.

"Woah there, before you do that. I heard everything, and it seems that you're getting desperate." Pride said, causing the angel to pause on his step.

"That is non of your concern." The angel said in a monotone voice.

"Oh, but it is. You and I are here for a reason, and that is one thing; her. You've been travelling for years searching for her soul, and now that you found her, you discovered that she is trapped and hidden within another soul." Amenadiel could not help but only stare at the demon's persuasion; therefore, Pride continues. "I am aware that you cannot harm nor kill a mortal under your father's law. That is why we must work as one to get what we only want." The demon stated.

Amenadiel's brow frowned, not trusting a single word coming out of the demon's mouth. "I do not make deals with the demon." The angel's statement causing the demon to chuckle.

"Do you still think I work with the devil himself? After that incident, I was nothing but a prisoner in my own home. My family no longer see me as their one but the black sheep of the family." Pride pause for a moment as he frustratingly sighs. "I am now on my own, and I am only doing this for myself."

Amenadiel looks down at the ground contemplating on accepting his offer. "Fine, what is your plan." He said. Pride smirks, knowing that the angel is slowly accepting his offer.

"As you may know, for souls to be separated from their body, we have Grim Reapers transferring the souls to their rightful kingdom, whether that is your heaven or my hell."

Amenadiel's eyes widened. "You don't mean to tell me you're going to be using The scythe of Death?!" He exclaims.

Pride rolls his eyes in annoyance. "Well, what else do you have in mind? The weapon itself is used to take souls; that's what we need the most to take her out." He explained.

"That scythe is a danger to both humans and celestials. That is the reason why the Grim Reapers are the only beings that use it; one slash of that blade and your dead." Amenadiel argued.

"Listen, as long as we don't use it against each other. We'll be fine. The only thing we need to do is take both souls out, and we're good. I get to have my moments with her; then you can take her back to the heavenly city afterwards; you get to go home without needing to return to this mortal world without disappointing your family as well as your father. Do we have ourselves a deal?" Pride reaches his hand out, waiting for the angel's acceptance.

Amenadial stares at the demon's hand. "How am I so sure that you are not lying to me?"

Pride smile to which turns into a smirk. "You know demons don't lie? We only say the truth and nothing but the truth." And to that, Amenadiel accepts by shaking the sinner's hand.

"Let's start the plan, shall we? Since you know more about the Grim Reaper, you're going to take the scythe." Pride explains, causing the angel to lift a brow.

"You're making me steal a weapon?" Amenadiel speculated, to which the demon quickly shook his head.

"No, no, I am not making you steal it; that's very bad, you know. It's more like a borrow, just for a moment." The demon replied.

Amenadiel hums in respond. "How about the girl? I can't lay a hand on her, especially when your sibling is always keeping a close eye on her."

"Oh, don't worry, I have her in the palm of my hands." A phone rings in Pride's pocket, indicating a message has been received.

He checks to see who message and lo and behold; it was Rosé texting that she had arrived. "Speak of the devil." Pride scoffs as he places his phone back in his pocket. "Well, I must head out. I got a date to attend. Let me know if you've done your task; then we'll go to step two." He finished before leaving the roof.

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