Chapter 15

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Thus, the lesson continues every day. As Lust has stated, their lesson starts by painting a canvas in a park near the industry where the girls have been recording their music.

"You're using the brush incorrectly Ms. Park." Lust started with her hand stopping Rosé from painting further.

"How do you do it then?" Rosé asked with utmost curiosity. The demon then held her right hand on top of the woman's left hand who is holding the brush firmly.

"Relax your wrist, you do not want it stiff for it will result in a tense outcome. Plus the hair of the brush would cause the paint to flick on the unwanted spots on your canvas." The demon explained as she moves the woman's hand through the portrait.

Rosé notices how gentle the demon was holding her hand despite looking a bit strong that it could crush anything. The woman was able to analyze the satanic symbol up close, it does not look like a regular tattoo that you can get in a shop; it's as if it was burn stamped on her skin. The bumps can be seen where it was burnt.

Due to the distracted mind that Rosé had, she failed to listen to half of what Lust explained; and so she listened to the final few sentences that the demon is stating while observing how the brush is guided.

Lust releases her hand from the woman before gesturing to continue. Rosé looked at the demon for a moment before landing the brush on the painting. She was hesitant for she might accidentally ruin the paint in just one swipe. Still, with enough information, she is able to relax her left wrist and lightly paint on the tarp.

With satisfaction, she wanted confirmation from the demon. "Is this alright?" Rosé asked with a smile but not looking at Lust. The demon did not answer.

"Lust?" She asked as she look to her left with no sign of the demon. Rosé stood up and looked at her surrounding, inspecting a particular demon roaming around.

Luckily she was able to find the demon in a short amount of time. Apparently, Lust spotted a woman sitting on a bench path a few meters across them. The woman has been eyeing the demon for the past few minutes before Lust began making eye contact. That causes the woman to do a seductive gesture by curling her index finger indicating Lust to come closer.

The two seem to be occupied with their flirtatious conversation that the demon did not feel Rosé's presence. Lust and the woman continued to converse despite Rosé standing between the two on the side. The woman then brushes her hand on the demon's left arm before resting her hand on it fully. In disgust, Rosé made a fake cough to catch Lust's attention.

"Ms. Park, have you finished the painting?" Lust asked as the woman gets closer to the point where her chest is touching the demon.

"No, I couldn't finish the painting because my tutor is missing." Rosé said with her arms crossed.

Lust's brow raises. "I've already taught you the technique a few minutes ago - Nevermind that. Ms. Park, Nelly." The demon introduced the woman in her arms. "Nelly, Ms. Park." Nelly flirtatiously waved at Rosé who then whispered something in Lust's ear.

"Ohhh, sadly no, she's not really into threesomes yet." The demon stated. Rosé scoffed then grabs Lust's back collar and drags them back to the spot, while the demon reminds Nelly where to find her.

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