Chapter 11

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Jennie, Jisoo and Rosé are dropped off at the entrance of Premium entertainment. The group seems to be almost done with the recording and just needed a few minor adjustments to present the final product to the public. Once again, Jisoo and Rosé are not required in the studio except for Jennie, who is requested to stay for assistance.

When Lust parked the vehicle, she went straight to the roof to continue her artwork. However, she again sees a young woman sitting on the demon's spot.

"You got kicked out by that mongrel again?" Lust said in a monotone. Rosé, with her chin resting on her palm, nodded in response.

Lust looked around the area, searching for a particular short woman. "Where's Ms. Kim? Isn't she also not invited to the studio?" She wondered.

"Eonnie is waiting outside the studio door; she said something doesn't feel right despite Albert saying Jennie eonnie is just needed to record a few adlibs for the song to pop." Rosé explains as she pouts.

The demon's brows creased out suspicion. "Ms. Kim is right. Something doesn't add up. You all work as a group, not individually; adlibs or not, one woman and a man should not be left alone in a room, especially when I know Albert Einstein's mind in the back of my hand." Rosé notices a painting set that the demon is holding. "I must check what's going on with those two." Right when Lust was about to leave, Rosé grabbed the set off the demon's hand as she inspected the small canvas with a few pencil sketches marking along with a few paints scattered on the portrait.

"Ms. Park, it's quite rude to grab something that you do not own," Lust calmly spoke. Yet, Rosé continues to admire the artwork within her grasp.

"Woah, I've never seen such artwork like these, and yet it looked so familiar." Rosé praised following the curves of the line imprinted that connect to another. "Say, I am also drawing a few sketches on my sketchbook. Maybe you can teach me some few tips." She offered with her eyes sparkling for the demon to be convinced upon the request.

"I am not going to help nor teach since your art style is enough for you to do your own representation of art. I am afraid I cannot do anything." Lust snag the canvas back. "Anyway, to Albert Einstein-"

"Oh, come one!" Rosé interrupted. "Can you at least tell me how you're able to paint the lines without affecting the other paint or even how you can visualize a picture then painting an exact replication as to how you pictured it?" Rosé quickly asked as she followed the tall demon powerwalking.

"As I said, Ms. Park, you have your own style; you can make your own without my help." Lust said while leaving the roof entrance.

Rosé huffs in annoyance, having difficulty convincing the stubborn demon.


Rosé flips the book's pages that Emilia has told her to read. Every page is delicate to touch since the book seems to be old; the colour of the paper has turned brown, and some pages are ripped. On page 58, it says:

'i a village 'i Holland, there is a mixture of the rich and the poor; mostly the poor, the rich only visit to look down on their peasants and capture for slavery.

Their workers settle, it varies different responsibility most commonly the gardeners, maids and farmers. Maugre all, they are granted a bawbling profit for their families to be fed and sheltered. The churches tax citizens to donate for the gods and funding for the church to remain standing.

Regardless of the job that needed to be done, a passion for art lingered in the village. It grants joy to the people. A famous painter settles, she is well known with the people every time she passes by the market. Her artwork inspired the citizen to keep passionate, and her artwork is also craved to paint the temple's ceiling. She had a good name 'i the village, from her sweet personality to her gentle speech; Rebecca johnson is her name.

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