Chapter 7

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The two demons enter the office where their ruler sits on the chair, facing away from them.

"Forgive me for what I am about to say, boss, but why is he here?!" Lust started and pointed her finger behind where Pride is standing.

Lucifer turned the chair and faced the two. "Simple, Pride's punishment does not last long for eternity, for he is the ruler of the Pride sins. He will be punished in eternity for his past action after a new era of rulers, which will occur for a few millennials more." Lucifer explained.

"But you stated that he will be banned from walking on earth; that was his punishment!" Lust shouted, to which she immediately regretted. Her eyes contracted with regret as the almighty ruler stood up slowly.

"Do not raise your voice on me, Lust. You might have forgotten who owns you." He snarled as she slowly lowered her head. "The main reason why Pride is here with us is because of your stubbornness for not attending the important meetings and discussion of your task that is supposed to happen in hell. Since you keep running away from us, our meeting will be here on earth; so you don't have anywhere else to run but hell and earth."

Lust knew what she had done wrong, but now that she's put on the spot, it made her realize the childish act she's been giving. "I've realized what I've done and would like to ask for your forgiveness from my childish remarks. I did not realize the years that have passed during my absence and lack of participation." She sincerely spoke.

Lucifer nods. "Very well, I expect you not to repeat this behaviour, understood?"

"I understand, boss." A groan was heard behind that is coming from Pride.

"Can I leave now? I should not be part of this in the first place. Moreover, I would like to have a lovely chit-chat with the guest and my fellow brothers and sisters," Pride complained while taking small steps out of the door.

"You may leave now, Pride." Lucifer gestured his hand towards the door.

Lust panicked. "Absolutely not-"

"Lust, let him be, for this will be his last," Lucifer advised. Lust couldn't help but shut her mouth as she see Pride confidently leaves the room.

Once the room becomes silent, Lust turns her full attention to Lucifer once again. "You wanted to speak with me; what is it that you need, boss."

Lucifer turned his body in 180° to face the window. "There is something that I would like to ask you." He started.

"What is it that your inquiry?" Lust asked.

Lucifer turns his head to the side." Did it work?"


Once Lust and Pride left the room, the room became an awkward silence from the chaos. Sally plopped down on the couch comfortably, which caused the rest to become occupied with other things.

Gluttony made his way towards the two mortals still standing at the same spot after they entered. "Well, ain't this a pleasant way to greet ourselves as Lust's family." He started. "My apologies that you had to witness the sibling feud between your manager and her brother."

"Oh, it's okay, we should have just waited at the club, but I guess I never expected Ms. Smith to have siblings." Rosé reassured.

He reached out his hand for a greeting. "I am Garfield, by the way. And indeed, you may or may not know much about her; even we don't know her anymore." Garfield sighs. "Our young little demon changed over the years, but I do get why." He stared softy at Rosé's eyes. The genuine stare made Rosé suspect more, for she knows that the man in front of her is telling the truth, which made her more curious about Lust's past and wants to acknowledge more about why she had to change.

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