There is a fight going on inside his heart. One side is the real him, who wanna go home right away and wanna clear his guilt by surrendering to hyungs...and another side is rebellious who is still wanna stay here and enjoy being free and wild! It's freaking too much for him! And to stop the war of himself, he is drowning with the red waters...

Jake saw him and ran to his side, sitting beside the almost drunk boy.

Jake: Hey kook? You ok?

Jungkook looked up and laughed like a drunkard, he is never a good drinking person. He can't control himself and gets easily drunk with drinking a little amount. And here he is gulping the third bottle! It's normal for him to be out of mind right now!

Jungkook: H-hello j-jakey...I'm f-freaking o-ok...I-I couldn't b-be b-better-' his voice and words are all so tipsy and messy. He looked not fine to Jake.

Jake: Dude! You don't look fine to me-

Jungkook shook his head, 'N-no...I-I'm fine...I'm g-god! W-wait...I-isn't it t-taetae h-hyungie's q-quote? W-where i-is he n-now? I-is he angry w-with m-me a-again? O-of course...h-he is always a-angry...r-rude...m-meanie-' the bunny boy started blabbering useless things by his own and gulped another shot!

Suddenly he started crying while blabbering misty words and Jake couldn't do anything but stared at the boy with concerned eyes! Jungkook is totally wasted now! Jake looked at his brothers on the dance floor, debating inside of him that what will be best now.

Just then Jungkook's phone started ringing...And Jungkook started giggle this time hearing the sound of his phone and started searching for it which is actually impossible for him in that type of state. So, the ring went off and Jungkook pouted...Aish! He is freaking cute!

Jungkook: B-bad p-phone...h-he wanna play w-with me...C-come on you b-bad guy...p-play the m-music a-again...I w-wanna hear i-it f-for long...P-PLAY IT!'

He is talking and scolding his phone?! Jake face palmed...well that's the cue. He is no ore safe here. He sighed before going to inform his brothers that they need to leave now.

Jake: Jungkook, listen to me. Stay here until we come back, don't go anywhere ok?

Jungkook nodded like an obedient boy, 'O-ok...but tell that bad thingy to turn on the music again...I wanna listen it-

Jake didn't paid attention to his messy talks anymore, he left to call his brothers, leaving the drunk boy alone...letting him blabbering with his 'bad phone'!



~WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY HE IS NOT IN HOME?' the whole mansion echoed by the shout of Kim Yoongi, the demon when he is angry...and right now he is not only angry, but also worried sick!

~LOWER YOUR DAMN VOICE YOONGI! I'M ALREADY HAVING ENOUGH HEADACHE, OK?' Jin rubbed his temple in frustration while laying down on the couch of living room. Yoongi huffed angrily before plopping on another couch too...

All the brothers were informed about the incident and no one can be less angry and concern than anyone.

Jimin seems like that he is in some kind of daze, 'I-I can't believe that he will do this!'

All of them stayed quiet. They are all thinking the same. It's something that not matching with Jungkook's personality. He is not like that, they didn't raised him like that!

Hoseok: Guys! We can discuss it later...But the first thing is, where is he right now?'

Jin: Must be in night club with his newly made friends...Aish! How we can find them now? Which club they went!?

Namjoon: Should we call Soobin? Maybe he knows where they went?

Hoseok nodded, 'Yes. That's the last thread of hope now. Tae, Call him.'

-Yeah...' Taehyung picked out his phone and called the said boy.

After a few rings, Soobin picked the phone ad Taehyung heard a sleepy raspy voice of him, 'Hello tae hyung? You call in this time...everything fine?'

Taehyung: Soobin, sorry for disturbing is such time...but it's important.

Soobin: What happened hyung?' his voice lost sleepiness and it's worried serious now.

Tae: That brat...he sneaked out of home!

Soobin: THE HECK! WHAT?? Why?

Tae: Yeah...We forbid him strictly about going the night club. So, he decided to sneak out! Just imagine!! Well, do you know where he can go?

Soobin still couldn't believe what he heard. Jungkook sneaked out of home? The Jungkook! He can be mischievous and bratty sometimes, but this is the last thing he could imagine. The makhne is not like that! He will sulk, pout, even can be a total brat when he is angry...but sneaking out of the home in the middle of night? Is he still dreaming?

~Soobin? Are you hearing?' he came back to sense and quickly respond.

Soobin: y-yeah hyung! I was just too stunned...Well, if he sneaked for joining them, then maybe went to xxx club. They was talking about that club earlier.

Tae: Thanks buddy...Hyungs? He is maybe xxx club as per Soobin...ok so, Soobin-ah, sorry again-

Soobin: Hey hyung! No please, don't say that...He is my younger brother too, right? I'm just feeling too shocked. Kook-I mean how can he...I even forbid him- I thought he will obey me and stop even after we fought-

Tae: Wait wait! You guys what? You fought about it?

Soobin bit his lower lip, 'Yes. He was behaving a bit weird after hearing the club things...I tried to stop but he was so vulgar.'

Taehyung's face tightened, 'Did he yelled or said something like that is not appropriate to you?' he asked coldly.

Soobin gulped. Should he stayed quiet about it? They are already so angry...but when the thought of his sneaking out in midnight came in his mind he felt angry and disappointed on the makhne. Soobin and Beomgyu will sort out with him after some days if ge didn't do that thing. But now, there is no way...he maybe Jungkook's friend, but he is his hyung also. And now Soobin feeling the same worried that Taehyung or others feeling. So, let's tell them about it...Jungkook deserve some strict punishment now...

So, he took a deep breath before telling Taehyung everything. The elder heard everything silently and after hearing it all, he sighed frustratingly.

Tae: Ok, Soobin. I'll see it. Good night.

Soobin: Hyung? Umm...Will you inform me after finding him....please?

Tae smiled a little hearing the concerned voice of Soobin, 'Sure. And no need to tell these all to Yeonjun hyung or Beomgyu now, ok?'

Soobin: ok...Good luck!

Taehyung hummed and hung up the call with a sigh. Then he turned to others. Hoseok came downstairs dressed up to go outside. He went up when tae was talking in phone.

Hoseok: Hyung I'm leaving to bring him, ok?

Jin: Ok but-

~Ding Dong!

Everyone flinched and snapped their head towards the main door hearing the doorbell...

Life goes on [Jungkook's Six Strict Hyungs][ a BTS Brotherhood FF]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat