Stepping forward, Rumplestiltskin extended his hand to Neal, the box passing between them. "Look at me, you so much as lift a finger to perform magic, you're gonna spend an eternity in this box." Neal threatened.

Perhaps it wasn't the dagger with which they could control him and have one hundred percent assurances, but it was the next best thing. And with a way to stop Rumplestiltskin should he try anything, much of the group was ready to continue. All it took was Emma's call and soon they were on the move again.

 All it took was Emma's call and soon they were on the move again

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"I need to speak with you." Odette's voice came out silent as she finally managed to fall to the back of the group where the Dark One walked. Truly, she'd been wondering how to get a hold of him on this island before they left, and now that he was here, she wasn't about to pass up the chance.

"Whatever you're thinking, I can't help you. The necklace was-" Rumplestiltskin started to dismiss her quickly, but Odette interrupted him before he could fully finish what he had to say.

"It's about David." She said, cutting off all talk of the necklace. "He got struck by an arrow dipped in dreamshade. Killian managed to cure him with the water from the island, but because of it he's now connected to it. If he leaves, that connection is broken and the poison will kill him."

"Well, then simply take some water with you." The Dark One said in a bored tone, making Odette glare at him angrily.

"And how long will that work? Once the water runs out, the dreamshade will come back and kill him." She pointed out what she suspected he probably already knew anyways.

"And what would you have me do?" The Dark One glanced down at her with a questioning look in his eyes.

"Something. Anything. There has to be some way and if anyone will think of it, it's going to be you." She didn't bother denying that, at any point. "And whatever you ask for in return, you'll get. From me, not him."

Odette wasn't an idiot, she knew there were people around them listening in to their conversation. Although, she didn't expect them to so instantly jump in after what she said.

"Love, making deals with the likes of him-"

"Odette, you shouldn't just jump in-"

Both Killian and Neal were cut off as Odette looked towards them and spoke over them. "I know what deals with him are like. I don't care." She told them firmly before looking back at Rumplestiltskin. "So, is there a way?"

"Well, if you remember, I, too, was poisoned with dreamshade by a cowardly pirate. And yet..." He waved his hands around in a theatrical manner, showing off the fact that he was alive.

"A way that doesn't require us to kill someone else in his place." Odette pointed out in a sharp tone. "David would never agree to that." She knew him. And while, maybe, if there was no other, she'd be willing to debate doing it herself behind his back, she knew she couldn't.

"Oh, how noble." The Dark One mocked. "The point is, after my near-death experience, I discovered much about the poison. I believe I could create an elixir back in my shop." The revelation had hope sparking within Odette that this could actually work.

"And in return? What do I owe you?" She asked, knowing there would be something. And she needed to know what it would be before she agreed. She could feel her heart hammering in her chest as she waited for an answer, hoping it wouldn't be something she couldn't do.

"Well, this is quite the favour. I'd expect one of equal weight as payment." Rumplestiltskin said with a thoughtful look on his face as he regarded her up and down.

"You know you can't call it a favour and ask for payment at the same time, right?" Odette bit back in an unamused manner. She was willing to pay, but he could stop pretending to be all noble about it.

"No." Neal and Killian spoke in unison again, making the blonde glare their way.

"This is my-" She was about to scold them, however, it was her who was getting interrupted this time.

"No, there isn't gonna be a price." Neal finished what he intended to say, sending her a pointed look to shut up and let him talk. As he spoke again, his eyes turned back to his father. "When we get back to Storybrooke, you're gonna save David because it's the right thing to do. No deals, no favours, understand?"

"Fine. I'll do as you ask." Gold begrudgingly agreed, making a wide smile spread over Odette's face.

"I'll go tell David, Snow, and Emma." She announced happily, about to step away before turning to Neal with another smile. "And I'll mention you helped. Thank you." She spoke in a knowing tone before rushing away with quick steps to catch up with the front of the group, Gold following after her as the conversation was officially over.

Neal was about to go as well when he noticed Killian watching the direction in which Odette left. "Sorry, I'd have let you be the hero, but..." He trailed off, both of them knowing that his father certainly wouldn't have listened to anything the pirate had to say or offer.

"It's fine, mate. At least this way you get to be one to Emma." Killian smirked his way before glancing back into the jungle again to where Odette had managed to catch up with her goddaughter, talking in an animated manner before Emma pulled her into a sudden hug. "They're not making it easy on us, are they?"

"No." Neal let out a small laugh as he looked over at the two as well. "Good thing we don't give up." He clasped Killian on the shoulder, the two sharing one last laugh before they finally started walking again.

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