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The next thing I remember were the sounds of my own muffled cries that echoed in my ears like a thousand synchronized drums. The nightmare I had that night felt more vivid and scary than ever before but I just couldn't will myself to wake up. As I stumbled away from the angry horde of vampires that chased after me in an endless snowy field, naked despair enveloped my heart at the thought I'd be trapped in there forever. But then, a sophisticated, authoritative voice suddenly called my name and I opened my eyes, as though by command.

For a couple of moments, I drifted in and out of consciousness. I was so groggy and disoriented that it took me a while to get a grasp on reality and recognize my surroundings. When I finally gathered that I lay on the old shabby mattress, a few feet away from my Master's empty bed, my heart sank and I wished I could go right back into the frightening world of nightmares.

It was dark outside and the only source of light around me were the few lit-up torches mounted on the wall. Panting for air, I realized I was covered in sweat and instinctively pressed my hand against my burning forehead. As soon as I  made that small insignificant movement, my upper arm exploded in instant excruciating agony and I released a frantic, choked-up scream.  

My vision grew dizzy from pain and I was in a state of massive shock. Scary flashes interchanged before my eyes but I couldn't piece them together and recall what had happened in any consecutive order. All I knew was that I  had a terrible fever and I was in serious danger. Adrenaline rushed through my body and a voice inside my head screamed to get up and run before whatever hurt me to this horrifying extent came back to hurt me again.

Employing every last bit of my energy, I slowly rose to my feet and did my best to keep my balance but my legs just wouldn't cooperate and carry my weight. Swaying from weakness, I crumbled to the ground and couldn't force myself to stand up. The maddening ache in my upper arm commanded my complete attention and I finally gathered the courage to look, only to regret it an instant later. My stomach heaved at the sight of a large red circle of melted skin. Upon closer inspection, I recognized the bloodied structure in the middle of the wound represented two crossed swords and I remembered the necklace the prince had given me a while back because its appendix carried the same symbol.

That thing is my seal... A distant flashback sprang to the forefront of my mind,  but I still couldn't place it in my memory. The burned sensitive flesh underneath the injury stang and pulsated as though it was about to explode and the blinding pain wouldn't let me think or focus.

"Good evening, slave." A familiar refined voice sounded in my ears and every hair on the back of my neck stood up straight. "I'm glad to see you're finally awake."

I peered up, shocked by the unexpected sight of my breathtakingly beautiful and infinitely cruel master who had somehow materialized in the room without drawing my attention. All the memories from the previous day came pouring back in an unstoppable flood and my fragile state suddenly made a lot more sense. I remembered the terror I felt when he came after me. I remembered my injured feet, and finally, I remembered the sadistic punishment that was the cause of this scorching hot fever and unbearable agony. Traumatized and scared out of my mind, I started backing away from him in a desperate attempt to create some distance between us.

"Not a step further," he ordered curtly and I stopped dead in my tracks as he uttered another cutting command. "Come here."

I flinched at the request, fully aware the only choice I had was to obey or suffer even greater consequences. But despite that, I couldn't make a move. I was frozen in terror, wondering what fresh hell he planned to unleash on me next. His entire demeanor emanated nothing but power and entitlement. It was clear he was still holding a serious grudge against me and the torture was far from being over.

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