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As he inched closer and closer, every cell of my body urged me to run but I had enough common sense left to know it wasn't worth a try. He'd catch up with me within seconds and my disobedience would only make him more furious.

Defeated and drained out of the urge to fight, I broke our eye contact and lowered my gaze to the ground. The prince swiftly climbed off his horse and approached me in three swift strides.

My heart thumped out of my chest and my palms began sweating from nervousness as he knelt down to my level. Being in his close proximity had such a crushing effect on my already fragile state of mind that I couldn't form a single coherent thought or utter even the smallest sound to fend for myself. Still fighting to breathe, I surrendered to the inevitable and quietly waited for him to fulfill his ominous promise and take his brutal revenge.

A quick movement of his hand alerted my instincts and I flinched away, fully expecting to receive a harsh, shattering blow on my face. But when his fingers connected with my damp skin, there was no blinding pain. Only startling gentleness. While I still recovered from surprise, he slowly tilted my chin and made me look at him. The second my eyes connected with his, I released a shaky breath and finally gathered the courage to speak.

"M-Master...I-I'm s-sorry," I stammered in palpable fear. "I'm so s-sorry."

A small, unexpected smile twisted his lips and he brushed his thumb against my cheek. "Not as sorry as you are going to be, little mouse. If I were you, I'd save my breath. No amount of desperate pleas will help. I wasn't joking when I said you're about to suffer like no other human ever had."

The softly spoken threat made me shudder and I tried to reason with him yet again, despite being aware it was pointless.

"It was a m-mistake," I mumbled with devouring panic. "I..I swear I didn't mean to run, Master."

He merely shrugged, as unmoving as a rock. "But you did and now you have to pay for it."

"P-Please, M-Master, h-have mercy," I choked out, gazing at him with frightened doe-like eyes.

His features settled into a distant, undecipherable expression as he caught a strand of my hair between his fingers and inspected its texture.

"Mercy seems to be the cause of all our troubles," he breathed, keeping his cold grey eyes fixated on mine. "I have been very merciful thus far, and look where that got us. Kindness doesn't inspire obedience, little mouse. The only way you'll learn your place is through pain and I have every intention to give you a thorough lesson."

Frightening awareness filled my entire being and I swallowed hard, preparing myself to ask the one remaining question that could give me any semblance of hope and peace. "Master, are you going to kill me?"

Strangely enough, my voice didn't waver nor shudder. It was calm and resolved, reiterating the fact that death wasn't what I feared. It was the thought of being trapped in this endless limbo of suffering.

The prince's astonished gaze danced on my face for a few breathless moments and he raised a challenging brow, giving me a wordless answer. As it was, he didn't have to speak. One glance at his somber expression was enough to tell me death was a probable outcome, but it wouldn't be quick or even remotely painless. He had every intention to make good on his threat. He had every intention to hurt me in ways I couldn't even imagine.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the background and the sound of Princess Leandre's furious voice snapped me out of my ominous thoughts.

"You bastard! You evil bastard!" she shouted from the top of her lungs.

From the corner of my eye, I saw her march toward us, glaring at the prince as though she wanted to tear him limb from limb.

"If you ever dare to use your powers to restrain me again, I swear I'll-"

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