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The guards didn't waste any time. As soon as the prince left, they carried out his orders with unprecedented enthusiasm. I was unchained and escorted into a small room with a single vanity where a high-quality grey wool dress already waited on display, just as the Saybrien had requested. They even allowed me a few minutes of privacy to get dressed in peace. The same woman who had put me in chains now came in to comb my hair and make me look somewhat presentable. As she struggled to untangle the nest-like knots in my hair, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror and got spooked by the sullen expression on my bruised, grimy face. I reddened in shame because all the combing and new dresses in the world couldn't erase the fact I desperately needed a bath. To say I resembled a ghastly apparition would be an understatement and it only deepened the mystery of why one of the most powerful vampires desired me as his blood slave.

Once they were done, the reality of what was about to happen trickled in and a hollowness filled my chest. A tall guard marched inside and led me out into the hallway. As we advanced toward the exit, we passed a large group of servants who waited to enter one of the halls and begin their training. My eyes searched through the crowd until I met Anna's confused worried gaze in the distance. Her eyes widened in horror and she mouthed my name and the words 'what's happening'. I wanted to offer some kind of reply, but the guard swiftly pulled me along and made me match his quick pace. I glanced behind my shoulder, catching Anna's frantic expression right before she disappeared from my line of sight. I gulped, thinking I'd give everything in this world if I could just go back to being a quiet, unassuming part of that group.

But I didn't get a chance to wallow in self-pity. We stepped outside where the entire vampire caravan already waited to head back to Cassovia. My sadness drifted to instant terror as the guard nudged me in the elbow and forced me to walk. I spun into movement, taking in the surreal sight in front of me.

Numerous imposing carriages were lined up in the driveway, but my interest was immediately drawn to the two enormous black stallions secured to a luxurious, black carriage with golden window frames and carved wooden ornaments.

The prince stood at the very front of this impressive, grandiose vehicle, conversing with someone from his entourage. He spoke quickly and at times gestured with his hands as if delivering a series of staccato orders. I knew the exact moment he spotted me in the distance because he swiftly turned away from the man and focused his hypnotizing gaze on me. His attention was unnerving and I wanted nothing more than to flee. Everything inside me screamed not to go to him. But I didn't listen to the gnawing voice in my head. Instead, I mindlessly followed the guard's lead and marched straight into the enemy's den.

The very second I came to stand before him, I bowed my head and bent my knees in a slight curtsy. When I straightened my posture, the Saybrien's lips curled in a brief derogatory smile. His roaming gaze made me so anxious I was beyond grateful when the guard spoke up and provided a momentary distraction.

"Your Highness, we've arranged a separate cart for the girl."

Those piercing grey eyes never looked away from mine. "That won't be necessary. She'll ride with me."

A nervous shiver ran down my spine and I wasn't quick enough to hide my shock.

"Of course, Y-Your Highness." The guard sounded just as baffled. "As you wish."

To my surprise, the prince didn't say a word, but simply opened the carriage door and gestured toward the entrance.

"After you, human," he muttered softly.

I gaped at him in bafflement for a short moment and then followed through with the order, entering a lavish interior completely upholstered in light-beige silk. I had never seen such opulence and was scared my dirty body might stain the smooth material of the seat, but I had no choice so I slowly lowered myself into it. The Saybrien came in shortly after me but paid me no further attention. Instead, he rummaged through an imposing set of papers as we set into motion.

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