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Even though I'd never encountered a real vampire, every cell of my being warned me the other man in the room was not human. Some kind of heavy energy lingered in the air and put all my senses on high alert. The atmosphere slowly charged with hostile tension and my survival instinct kicked in, urging me to run as though I was about to fall victim to a powerful predator.  

"Ah, finally." The headmaster smiled with rich satisfaction as soon as he spotted us. "Don't linger at the door. Bring her here."

Mind-numbing fear glued my feet to the ground, but the guard pushed me forward and forced me to move until I stood a mere few feet away from the vampire. I looked up at him through squinted eyelashes, in the same way I'd look up at the blinding sun.  

He was a tall, handsome man, dressed in a white shirt, black trousers, and a long black coat that almost reached the ground. His long ebony hair draped over his shoulders and went all the way down to his mid-back. His face resembled a work of art. He had a perfect bone structure and a distinct pearlescent glow to his pale skin. His cold grey eyes glistened with the blazing brightness of the moonlight.

 It was impossible to find a single flaw in his appearance. He emanated nothing but beauty, youth, and virile strength. Every inch of him breathed absolute, otherworldly perfection. There was no doubt in my mind. This was a Saybrien vampire. A creature so superior to us humans, we felt exposed and vulnerable from merely breathing in its presence. And for some reason, this frightening vampire seemed awfully familiar, despite the fact I was absolutely certain I'd never seen him before.

"Your Highness, in case you were wondering about the girl," the headmaster muttered in a sly tone, taking a step closer in my direction. "We thought you might enjoy a little afternoon snack before we continue with the rest of the inspection."

A shiver of dread ran down my spine as the headmaster stalked behind me. I swallowed hard at the realization this was going to be my punishment. To be slaughtered by this vampire in a gruesome feeding ritual they simply referred to as an afternoon snack. Such was my shock I'd failed to notice he was addressed as 'Your Highness' in those first few instances.

A derisive smile twisted the Saybrien's lips. "A snack? This skinny little thing?"

There was no mistaking the tone of his rich drawling voice. He scoffed at the idea. Instead of feeling offended, I began to harbor a tiny glimmer of hope. It got squashed in the span of a heartbeat.

"With all due respect, Your Highness, the girl may seem to be nothing but skin and bones, but I assure you she has more than enough flesh in just the right places," the headmaster persisted, bringing his fingers to the clasp that rested just below my neck. "Please, allow me to make a little demonstration."

The cruel bastard ripped the cloak off my body in one swift movement and left me completely exposed to the Saybrien's gaze. Instant humiliation swept over my system and I rushed to wrap my arms around myself and cover my nakedness, but the chains around my wrists made it impossible. Scorching heat doused my cheeks and I just stood there, drowning in unspeakable shame. But sadly, that wasn't the worst part of the headmaster's show.

His hand traveled down my collarbones and then closed around one of my breasts without any warning. I moaned in utter disgust and helplessness while he snickered with sick excitement.

"See?" he muttered and squeezed harder, eliciting a choked sob of pain from my throat. "Plenty of flesh to feast upon here."

The vampire's gaze met mine for a nanosecond. Something savage flashed in his eyes, but he looked away too quickly for me to be certain I didn't mistake the emotion for something else. Whatever it was, it wasn't good. Terrible things were about to happen. I felt it with every bone in my body and grew absolutely desperate because the chains wouldn't allow me to even try and defend myself against this frightening creature. Someone, please help me!

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