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Go! Go! I inwardly screamed at the coachman as the group of vampires closed in on us. For the life of me, I couldn't understand why we stood still, waiting to be attacked. I glanced at the prince, silently urging him to do something, but he didn't share my concerns in the slightest.

While I struggled to breathe, he remained completely calm and rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Great. Fucking rebels!"

Shaking his head, he rose to his feet and unsheathed his enormous sword. My eyes widened at the sight of the weapon.

He cast me a hard glare and ordered, "Stay put while I deal with these goddamn idiots."

I couldn't believe he acted as if this small army presented nothing but a nuisance even though they outnumbered us by far. Cursing under his breath, he jumped out of the carriage, facing them head-on together with his coachman. My hand flew to my mouth and my heart rattled against my ribcage. This was madness. There was no way the two of them could take on so many other vampires.

They stood in the middle, surrounded by rebels who formed a circle around them. I couldn't imagine how they could fight their way out of this when the enemies had horses which gave them even more advantage.

But I was about to get a quick lesson on how powerful a Saybrien vampire truly was. The group attacked and I watched in shock as the prince turned into an instant, unstoppable killing machine. He moved with the swiftness of a gracious beast, shoving them off their horses and dealing quick fatal wounds with his sword while at the same time evading their useless attempts to fight him off.

Now I knew why they called him the prince of death. His coachman was a decent enough warrior, but the prince possessed unmatched strength and expertise in conducting a battle. He was able to kill with unprecedented ease and didn't even break a sweat while doing it. If there were hundreds of them, he would probably still emerge as a winner. As a matter of fact, I was under this crazy impression he was bored by the entire incident.

A chilling realization swept over me and I closed my arms around my middle, devoured by a whole new level of fear. It was impossible to come to terms with the fact I belonged to this invincible beast who annihilated members of his own kind without exhibiting even the smallest sign of hesitation. What, oh what, will he end up doing to me...a mere helpless human?

Rocking back and forth, I was too upset to look outside and observe the atrocities that reminded me of my nightmares. I closed my eyes, doing my best to block out the sounds of clashing swords, dying screams, and angry shouts.

Suddenly, the door was thrust open and one of those savage vampires barged inside the carriage. Before I could even credit what was happening, he grabbed me by my hair and pulled me out into the grassy field. I fought, trashed, and scratched, but I was no match for his strength. All I could do was scream my lungs out as he threw me to the ground and jumped on me like a wild animal. An incredible stench infiltrated my nostrils. This creature hadn't bathed in years. But that was the least of my problems. He threw back his head and stretched his mouth wide open, baring his long, dirty, yellowish fangs.

He's going to bite me! Help! Help! A scary image from my nightmares flashed before my eyes. A scream caught in my throat and I froze in mind-numbing terror as he slowly lowered his lips to my neck and ran his slippery tongue down its entire length. His fangs grazed my skin, ready to pierce it. I squeezed my eyes shut, preparing myself for the pain. But then, something incredible happened. The vampire's weight was lifted off of me in a split second and a string of angry curses infiltrated my ears. I looked up just in time to see the prince of death violently bury his teeth into the vampire's neck. The creature went completely limp but didn't die from the attack. The prince let its body fall to the ground and then severed its head with one expert swipe of his sword.

LucianOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora