(Friend or Foe arc) Part 7

Start from the beginning

Y/n's attention was then directed toward the woman in the reception area. 

Receptionist: "Can I help you?"

Y/n: (Step 2: Improvise) "Uhm...yeah. I'm actually here to meet someone. Goes by the name, Dr. Curtis Connors?"

Receptionist: "Right...You'll find yourself to the left"

Y/n: "...I'm sorry?"

Receptionist: "You are here for the internship, right?"

Y/n: "Y-Yeah...pfft, sorry. Must still be half-asleep"

Receptionist: "Okay, you'll find your badge. To your left"

The Receptionist then points to Y/n's left, showing an array of name badges with INTERN written on the top in red font color. 

Y/n: (What are these names? Shit-head? or is that Shi-theed?)

Receptionist: "Everything alright?"

Y/n: "Yeah-yeah, there are just so many names. Oh, here I am"

Y/n grabs a random name tag, taking the alias Rodrigo Guevara

Receptionist: "Okay...Mr. Guevara"

Y/n: "Gracias"

Receptionist: "De nada"

As Y/n goes and heads up the escalator, Gwen appears a few moments later. She walks at a steady pace wearing a pink blouse, jeans, and converse as she makes her way to the front desk. 

Receptionist: "May I help you?"

Gwen: "Yes. I'm here for the internship?"

Receptionist: "Of course, you'll find yourself to your left"

Gwen: "Thank you"

Looking to the left, Gwen takes a random nametag before clipping it on her outfit. 

Receptionist: "Alright, Ms. Shithead. Have a pleasant day"

Gwen: "Thanks"

Passing through another gate, Gwen rides the elevator to a higher floor as she listens to the P.A system. 

P.A System: "Welcome to Oscorp. Born from the mind of our founder, Norman Osborn, Oscorp Tower houses 108 floors of innovation. Our scientific minds are pushing the boundaries of Defense, Bio-medical, and Chemical Technology"

After arriving at the top, Gwen looks to see a group of teenagers gathered around the floor. A scientist then makes his way to the group, wearing a traditional Oscorp labcoat with well-combed hair and glasses. From Gwen's position, she noticed a space in his sleeve where his arm is supposed to be.

Dr. Connors: "You all must be the interns. I'm Doctor Curtis Connor, come. I'll take you around the tower"

When the interns begin to follow Dr. Connors, Gwen heads in a separate direction, opposite from the crowd. 

???: "Come on, what is wrong with you?!"

Looking over the railing, Gwen saw a teenage male and female being escorted by Oscorp security. 

Female intern: "Let me go! Don't you know who I am? I am, Elizabeth Shithead and I've waited months to be a part of this internship"

Oscorp security #1: "Keep walking ma'am"

Male intern: "Come on, just tell them Rodrigo Guevara is down here! Please, tell them Rodrigo Guevara is down here-"

A bell chime was picked up by Gwen's ear, looking over she saw an elevator door is about to close. 

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