10: Mission; Retrieving Draco's album

Start from the beginning


You walk back towards the three, Funneh wasn't facing you, whilst the other two were laughing their butts off. "Okay- that's good!" Brittney laughs. "Lunar guess what! Apparently Gold's at the town's bakery!" Funneh exclaims, looking back at you- you notice she was focusing really hard on your face.. you decided to take off the hat and hand it back to Felicia.

She pushes the hat away from her. "Don't worry Lunar, take this as a.. welcome back gift? Mkay?" She says, grinning maliciously. "..Felicia, take it back" "No, it's my gift for her" "......" You look at the hat once again, honestly.. free hat. You put in on again, now more prouder than earlier. You got a free hat, maybe if you have some free time tomorrow you could fix up the hat a bit to make it look.. less ugly.

Funneh sighs as she turns to Felicia again, "whatever, thanks for the info guys!" Funneh exclaims, shoving her fingers into Felicia's eyes. "OW WHAT-" You and Funneh sprint out of there before Felicia had the time to even process it.


Some passerby's stare at you in a weird way as they walk on by, why? Because you're still wearing the frog hat. It's very cute now that you think about it, its little googly eyes bounces up and down every time you take a step. "You're.. really going to keep wearing that?" Funneh asks, gesturing to your fantastic hat.. did she not like it? Somehow despite you not expressing it, Funneh seemed to know what you were thinking- "Well, I don't hate it- but reminder we will be talking to Gold.. and I'm not sure she'd take lightly to that amazing fantastic hat of yours" that's understandable, you decide to take it off right before you enter the bakery.

The bakery was at in the supermarket at the plaza, aka the big one-storey building. You glance towards the fountain where you met Draco earlier, he isn't there anymore.


Upon entering, you're blasted with cold air. The air conditioners here always seem to be on 24/7. You walk along the marble tile floor as you look around in astonishment, since this is your first time here in a while, Funneh decides to show off some stuff before heading to the bakery. For example, the old tool shop was closed down and was replaced with a very expanded clothing store. You could still buy tools in the plaza, however they're outside and not in the actual mart.


After a while of detouring, you and Funneh stand in front of a small bakery. Which is literally just called 'Meh Bakery'. You always loved to buy baked goods from here, something about the simple name and the cozy atmosphere when walking in always filled you with joy. And you weren't even a fan of baked goods! You liked them sure, but you weren't a die hard fan for them.. that was Rainbows thing.

Funneh taps your shoulder, as she points with the same hand to a seating booth not far from the entrance. There.. you see a neapolitan haired girl sitting, her back facing you. "That must be Gold.. let's talk to her!" Funneh whispers to you, as she makes her way towards Gold.

The girl seems to be lost in her thoughts as she munches down on another slice of cake, vanilla perhaps? She doesn't seem to have noticed the two of you, until Funneh sits on the seat that's facing her.

".... what. What are you doing here??!?" Gold asks, her spoon falling on the plate with a clatter. You also walk in view, seating beside Funneh. She takes a good look at you, "and what the hell are you wearing???" You tilt your head in confusion, was it your shirt? Did something spill? You check it, "PST" Funneh whispers at you, gesturing to your head. ....the hat. You immediately snatch it off your head, resting it on your lap. Funneh giggles at this.

"....I don't even want to ask" Gold mumbles, as she goes and cuts another slice of cake. "Damn G, you eating all of that? Not on that diet anymore?" Gold immediately shoots a death glare at her, maybe something not to be brought up. "Okay.. sorry.. um.. what flavour is that?" Funneh asks, initiating conversation. "Vanila.. specifically vanilla sponge cake" knew it. "You like vanilla? I always thought you were more of a chocolate person" "I am" Funneh makes a confused face at this. "Then.. why are you..?"

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