Chapter 28: Daybreak

Start from the beginning

"We need to find him now."

"Well we have a path to follow at the very least, but whatever made the cuts definitely packs a mean punch. We need to be prepared to fight." Sarah said checking the magazine for her pistol. She sneered as she placed it into her pistol and holstered it.

Travis felt a lump in his throat and followed the others as they followed the ruined trees. A tense silence fell on the group as they traveled and stared at the claw marks around them, Travis could see Rose's face lose all color as they pressed on. He couldn't tell if it was from the cold or the fear.

He brushed aside the feeling and followed the others slowly. The snow around them slowed them down as they pushed through the forest in silence. He cupped his hands to his mouth and exhaled in a desperate attempt to warm himself.

"It's cold as shit out here!" Sarah said as she shook violently from the cold.

"Here this might help." Rose said as she conjured a small but powerful ball of fire in the palm of her hand. The others huddled closer and Travis felt a small amount of relief.

"Can't you turn up the heat Rose? I'm dying here." Sarah asked as she continued to shiver.

"I'm sorry I would if I felt it was safe but I'm still very new to this whole being on fire stuff. I don't want to burn you guys by mistake." Rose replied.

"Thank you Rose, we appreciate it." Lily said as she held her hands out to the flame. "Your doing a good job controlling it so far, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it."

"Thanks Lily, I'm sure glad we added you to the group. It's nice to have another girl to talk to."

Travis could see lily's smile widen as another, warmer silence fell over the group.

Looks like Rose has taken a liking to this new girl, I guess I should make an effort to make her feel welcome too. When we find Jessie we'll do it together.

Lost in thought Travis bumped into the person in front of him bashing his nose into their shoulder. Wincing he pulled back to see Sarah pale as a ghost, her eyes blank as she stared out in front of her.

"Oh God." Rose said quietly as her knees buckled placing her hand against a tree next to her. She fell to her knees as she stared out into the clearing in front of them.

Travis saw Lily gasp and cover her mouth as she took a step back.

"What's going on?" Travis asked as he moved from behind Sarah to see a tree snapped at the base. His heart dropped as he stared at the bloody scene in front of him. The two bodies lying beside one another were covered in small wounds. There was a woman lying in the snow but it was the one laying beside the tree that seemed so familiar it sent a wave a shock through Travis.

His features were distorted but Travis still recognized his best friend. His chest hurt and stomach tied up in knots, he bent over as he puked all over his shoes.

"Please tell me that isn't him." Travis pleaded as he heaved having just emptied his guts.

A stunned silence washed over the group as Travis straitened himself out. He heard quiet sobbing to his right and turned to see Rose with her face buried in the tree trunk beside her. He laid his hand on her shoulder in a fruitless attempt to comfort her.

"I'm sure it's not as bad as we think it is, t-that black smoke he has heals him right! We just need to wait for it to start!" Travis said trying to convince himself just as much as the others.

"Travis the poor kids head is split wide open, I don't think there's any shot he's coming back from that." Sarah said bluntly.

Rose groaned hearing Sarah speak and her sobbing grew louder. Travis shot Sarah a look and her face grew red.

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