lil chit chat

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So I was just sitting when a thought popped in my mind suddenly.  Only I know how Laila and Faris look like and dress up in my imagination, none other. Nor I have addressed their dressing style throughout the book properly.  And the first thing I did after that was go to Pinterest and actually find the dresses which align with dresses of Laila and Faris in my imagination. That's how they dress there you are free to ignore if you want.

f a r i s

l a i l a

And one thing, Laila belongs to upperclass society. So she takes dupatta but sometimes she doesn't take it. It's wrong I know, but that's how her character is written.

And for character for Laila and Faris,  i still couldn't find any suitable face.

That's it.
Allah Hafiz!

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