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Time passed in blur and it was now a night before their nikkah

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Time passed in blur and it was now a night before their nikkah. Arrangements were made, Hanan's family was called and rejected but Laila found herself falling into same darkness again and again. Memories of the wretched night still haunted her in nightmares. Sometimes she would wake up crying and screaming and sometime with heavy breaths and sweat coating her skin. She couldn't find herself to look at stars same as before.

Hanan took even solace of her childish dreams from her too.

Sitting on floor inside her room she stared at her nikkah dress hanging in front of her and only one thought prevailed her mind.

She was getting married to that one boy who always noticed her for what she was.

Sound of her ringtone blared around silent room and her phone flashed with the name of same boy. Something in her gut fluttered as she picked the phone and placed it against her ear.

"Assalam-u-Alaikum!" As always Faris was the first one to salam.

"Wasalam." Laila mumbled playing with sleeve of her shirt.

"Would you mind coming outside? I need to take you somewhere."

"It's inappropriate to meet before nikkah." Laila wasn't scared of being seen with him. She just wanted to avoid unnecessary drama by her family, not now.

"Worry not, Aswad knows."

"He knows?"

His soft chuckle touched her ears. "Yes, he knows. Hurry up now."

Walking out of dim lighted house Laila reached Faris' car without getting seen by anyone. Night sky poured soft moonlight upon both of them as they stood in front of each other. A star winked and chilly air tickled her skin.

"Where are we going?" She asked looking around for any sign of person around.

"You'll know." With that he opened the car door for her, a wicked glint in his brown eyes as he took in her innocent face.

The boy never failed to get mesmerized everytime he looked at the girl in front of him.

The ride towards the destination was silent. Laila kept looking outside the window while Faris, on the other hand, kept stealing glances at her. Sweaty palms and shaky breaths indicated he was somewhat nervous about her reaction on them reaching there.

"We are here." Laila looked at building ahead of them. Under the veil of moonlight, it looked lavish yet so haunted at the same time.

She threw a questioning look toward Faris who only shrugged at her and looked ahead with smiling face and nervous eyes.

"What are you hiding?"

"Just wait a little." And a moment later a figure emerged out of building. Due to darkness and distance between them it was difficult for Laila to make out his feature yet his figure felt quite similar to someone she knew well.

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