The Traitor:

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A: "No. Why would I do that?"

I was trying to enjoy the evening in front of the black lake but Harry Potter and his annoying friends decided to interrupt.

Ha: "Because we say so."

A: "Uhhhh. No. Please leave or stay with my presence."

He: "C'mon Harry! Just sit!"

R: "HERMIONE! Harry can't just SIT with the traitor!"

He: "Ugh! Well I'm sitting and you are too!"

Granger was really like a mum to them..

They eventually sat down next to me, with slight distance but started arguing again.

A: "Please! I'm trying to do some homework! Stop arguing!"

He: "Can I- Can I join you?"



A: "Uhh, sure, I mean if you want to.." THAT WAS WEIRD.

Why did Hermione want to do homework with me?

She shifted over as she pulled out her potions homework as well. In anger, Ron and Harry stormed out of there. Hermione and I talked a bit and she was nice.

He: "Why did your father betray Harry's parents?"

A question out of the blue popped up.. of course.. I was waiting for this one..

A: "He never did, in last minute change of plan, Peter Pettigrew became the new secret keeper, what no one suspected was for him to be the traitor. Only my family and Harry's family knew.. no one else, in those dark times, who knew who you could trust! The night Harry's parents died and Voldemort lost his power, my father set foot to kill Pettigrew, and he tried, but Voldy had taught Pettigrew tricks.. on top of that, 3 of the group were animagus, but Lupin, so Peter shifted into a rat and scurried away, that night he cut his finger and faked his own death, that night I lost both my parents, one dragged away by the ministry and the other.. the other who died from a curse that was never meant to be for her, one where she sacrificed herself for someone who needed a life more than her, she killed herself with a dagger I still have, my mother gave up her life and told me to cherish mine, I nearly died from a gas leak no one knew of that night too.. the gas leak started just as my father came upstairs to see what I was screaming about, the fire spread through our house and Dumbledore got me out just in time.. since then, I've lived with only my two house elves, Pixie and Kreacher, I love them, they love me.. the traitor, is not me.."

A/N: Longer chapter coming soon.. pls vote, comment and follow plsss

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