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I looked at Pansy as she continued sobbing "Why?"

P: "Why? What do you mean?"

A: "I mean why did you ignore me?"

P: "I-I was told to, for a bet.."


P: "I'm so, so sorry! I promise I will never again."

I look at her, dead in the eye "I'll let you know after I've thought about it."

I turn and leave, when I remembered, I forgot my jacket with Cedric!

I need to get it tomorrow..

Oh, I also had a study session with Luna tomorrow.

I went off to my dorm to FINALLY go to sleep.

I opened the door and yelled in shock as I saw someone sitting on my bed, Mattheo.

A: "Ugh. What do you want?"

M: "To say sorry.. and I know you're mad but listen! Astoria, she put me under a love potion, I don't know how, I don't know when, but please, I never loved her, I lov-" And he stopped at that.

A: "Do you have proof?"

M: "Yes. Ask the Weasley twins, they sold her the potion!"

A: "Alright, I believe you." I rolled my eyes "Also, who are you in love with?"

M: "Oh!" He started to slowly turn red "Uhh, that's not important. But I heard that you are dating someone..?"

A: "Yeah! Cedric!"

M: "Cedric? As in Cedric Diggory?"

A: "Yeah, why?"

M: "Nevermind, just- nevermind.."

A: "Ok, I need to sleep now, go to your bed!"

He walked off and slept as I did too, a faint smell of his cologne still lingered.

It was now morning, i was at breakfast and looking around for Cedric.. I had potions first so I needed my jacket back, soon after I saw Cedric walk in looking slightly dishevelled and he sat down at Hufflepuff table, I walk over.

A: "Hey! Cedric! Could I get my ja-" At that moment Cho had walked in, looking more untidy than.. Cedric..?

C: "UHH, your JACKET? Right?! YES, come by to my dorm at 4!"

A: "But I-"

He pushed me away and I couldn't do anything else.

A: "Hey Mattheo.."

M: "Hey Am"

P: "You and Mattheo are talking again?"

A: "Yeah, and, I'll give you one last chance too."

Her face instantly brightened up as she hugged me tightly.

M: "Hey, by the way, I heard your conversation with Cedric, here, have my jacket."

My mind raced back to first year as a small smile twirled at my lip "Remember the night we saw the mirror of Erised?" His grinned back too as he nodded.

P: "Erised..?"

We both broke out laughing as I put his jacket on "Thanks."

We walk down to the dungeons and walk into class, I sit in the middle of Pansy and Mattheo.

S: "Alright class, as you can all see, there are 3 per table, these are your groups for the rest of the term. Today we will be studying Amortentia, anyone know what it is?"

It was almost as if he wasn't even trying, nevertheless, I put my hand up, so did Hermione

S: "Yes, Miss Black?"

A: "Amortentia, the strongest love potion in the world, course not creating true love when drunk but only more like an obsession towards them.. its rumoured to smell like the person you truly love."

S: "Correct, you will make this if you make it into my 5th year OWLS class. Today we will be studying the components and simply testing this batch by some 5th years this year."

A: "So you're using us as lab rats?"

S: "Would you like to repeat that, Miss Black?"

A: "I said, so you're using us as LAB RATS?!"

S: "What if I am?"

A: "You cannot."

S: "Don't tell me what to do silly girl. Shut up unless you want detention."

His smirk grew which made my blood boil, I opened my mouth but suddenly stopped as I felt something on my thigh.

My cheeks started to turn pink as it reached higher up my skirt. Snape walked away, still grinning but I was unfocused now. I looked down and saw Mattheo's hand. I slapped it away as I saw a grin play on his lips.

I roll my eyes and turn away, stupid boy.

As Snape set us to work I mumbled to Pansy "Doesn't Snape remind you of Cruella? But even she looks better.."

P: "Umm, Amber, behind you!" She whispered s I looked back to see Snape standing with a horrid expression on his face.



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