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The pain, confusion and overwhelming feeling of tightness filled my chest.

They say that when you're dying you see your life pass through your eyes, and that's what I saw. I saw all my happy memories of my mum, my dad, and then the sad one that lurked at the back of my mind, hiding in a corner away from all the light.

"I'm so, so sorry I can't be there for you sweetheart." Tears rolled down the young woman's cheek as she hugged her baby, cradling her with her life "but if I don't go, he'll kill you. Listen to your dad. He'll aways be there for you, no. Matter. What."

"Mummy! Don't worry! You're right here!" The young girl innocently giggled not knowing what her mother was talking about.

"One day, you'll change.. in a good way! A wonderful animal lives within you, and when she comes out, she'll be there to guide you, help you along your journey through life."

"Will it be a wolf?"


"Wolves are pretty mummy" The young girl continued grinning

"yes, y-" the woman coughed as blood came out of her mouth "yes they are pretty. My time's nearly up. Goodbye, Amber."

She lifted the silver dagger up and stabbed herself in the stomach "I love you." She struggled as she spoke her last words...

I woke up gasping for air. Was I dead? then I heard sobs, they were quiet but audible.

M: "A-Amber? AMBER!" Mattheo hugged me tightly "I thought- I thought I lost you."

I shoved him off me, even though the pain and the dizziness was gone, I still felt trapped.

Then it happened. I started to shrink as my hands and legs turned into paws and fur covered my body. Was I shifting? Was I werewolf? No, I felt in control, just I was wolf. Animagus.

I had finally let out the wolf inside me.

I concentrated on getting back to human form and I shifted back. Wow. It was amazing.

I finally felt free, like all these years, it had been trapped in me.

M: "Are you an animagus?"

 I nod

M: "Why did you never tell me?"

A: "I had never shifted before, today was the first time I did."

M: "Right."

He stood up and walked over to me, he then hugged me tightly.


He stepped back in confusion "What?"

A: "Oh, I didn't forget you today, you didn't talk to me in the train, apparently Astoria is your girlfriend which you never wrote me me about, not that you wrote at all and you told me to 'shove off' and stop being 'rude' to ASTORIA who bullies me for no reason! What? WHAT? Made you think just because you're talking to me now makes you my friend again?"

I then shifted and ran back to the castle, the cool wind calming me and my temper.

How could he?

It was rude.

It was mean.


He comes back as if nothing happened.

A/N: YOU THOUGHT! No, you didn't die.. ya, that's all!

Moral Of The Story - Mattheo Riddle Fanfiction:Where stories live. Discover now