Seven Minutes Of Heaven:

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It was now Friday, I am in my LAST class, Divinations.

I am partnered up with Theo and we're reading tea cups.

M: "OK. in yours you have... a wolf? That means.. umm.. something will happen at nights, there is a hand, family? And err....... there is a... ostrich? No. Giraffe? No. OH. OH! A cross! It means you're not going to be accepted, so, you'll not be accepted by your family at night?"

A: "Firstly, how did you mistake a cross for an ostrich and giraffe? Secondly, my turn! I see, a heart? That means... new love? I see.. oh.. I also see a hand.. family? Then there is a... hang on.. a skull? It means.. oh. Loss. So, lose of family and new love?"

M: "HA! That's the most STUPID prediction i've heard! C'mon! Give that to me!"

I roll my eyes and pass it to him "Not everyone is a master at Divinations!"

M: "Hmm.. I see... a jumping castle!"

I whack him in the head with my book.

M: "OUCH! ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! I see.. a light bulb? An idea of some sort.. I see. a.. a heart.. new love? and I also see.. I see a snake.. lies. So a new idea leads to love but someone has also been lying?"

A: "I still got something right, didn't I?"

He rolls his eyes.

The teacher kept rambling on about 'The Art Of Divinations!' and shouted abut how the grim is shown in Harry's tea cup.


In one hand, I had my Nimbus 2000 (that I bought last year) and unintentionally, I was clinging onto Mattheo. Oops..

M: "Umm, Amber? My er.."

A: "Ah! Shit, sorry!"

He nodded as I let go of his arm.

Flint: "Now, all those wanting to be seeker and replace Malfoy, step forward."

I stepped forward and realised I was the only one..

Flint nodded as Draco and I both mounted our brooms.

I pushed off as Marcus blew the whistle.

As I soared I felt the wind against my face, as if it was natural.

5 minutes later, I caught the snitch.

After abut 20 goes, I was finally back on the ground, but hey! The air is better!

M: "That was AMAZING! You're so getting in Am."

A: "Maybe.."

Mattheo was trialing for chaser. We were getting the results later today..

Least to say, i'm excited.

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