Diagon Alley:

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A/N: The music doesn't really have words, just fits and feels like it flows! I will try putting in as much music as possible.

"Umm, hello?" I say

His platinum blonde hair gleamed in the sun, it was slick and it looked like at least 21 hair products were holding it back in place. Behind him, I saw another girl, oof, she had a pug face, ok umm yeah, she was a brunette and had a curious expression. And next to her I saw a bored looking boy, as if he didn't want to be here. He had brown curls that were the perfect length fell perfectly on his face, he has a sort of light in his dark brown eyes. He was already my personal favourite. But no, I couldn't have already liked him!

I shook it off because the blonde boy said "Hi, we heard them shout you don't belong here, is it because you're a Mudblood?" He pointed to the leaky cauldron entrance. Mudblood! God.

"No. I'm not. I'm Amber." I say not stopping my glare.

"Draco Draco Malfoy. She's Pansy Parkinson and brunette there is Mattheo Riddle." His name was Mattheo. That was a nice name. It meant 'Gift of God'. "What's your last name?"

"Smith." I say just to fool around with him.

"Isn't that a muggle name? So you ARE a Mudblood, or at least a half-blood. You just don't know what it means."

"No i'm not." I say in defence.

"Yeah you are, Amber Smith." Draco said

"You don't know who you're talking to." I say calmly

"You don't know who you're talking to." Draco replied

"How would I not now my 'supposed to be but now isn't' cousin?" I say

"COUSIN?! I'm NOT related TO YOU!" He looked outraged

"By blood you are." I say

"TO A SMITH?" He looked angrier

"Idiots." Mattheo finally said something "She's not a Smith, she's been lying the whole time." He rolled his eyes and I smirked, satisfied with the look of confusion on Draco's face "She's a Black."

I looked at him then nodded to everyone.

Pansy then said "Are you Regulus's daughter?"

"Did she not just say her Black side's family was disowned? She's Sirius's daughter." Mattheo said with a tinge of annoyance in his voice.

I raised an eyebrow and looked at Draco "I'm sorry." Draco said then "Could we start over? We could all be friends. I'll introduce you to Lorenzo Berkshire and Blaise Zabini."

I look at him, raise both eyebrows then say "Fine. Buuuuuuut. One condition.."

"What?!" Draco look excited

"I'm only agreeing because Riddle will feel lonely with a bunch of idiots." I say.

Mattheo looked at me and opened his mouth, then closed it.

"Alright..." Draco looked a little disappointed.

As we walked to Gringotts Mattheo leaned towards me and said "You know you don't need to call me Riddle, right?" I hummed in response then say "But it makes you sound more mysterious." A smile plays at the corner of his mouth.

We reach then give our keys in to the goblin, her name was Golddare. Weird, right?

First we got to the Malfoy's vault, it was filled with riches! Mattheo's was the same, Pansy's was slightly less. I actually didn't know about mine.


Not long later.

I found out I had more than all three of them put together!

Turns out, Black's were rich.



We left and went to get wands.

(A/N: Ok so, Amber's birthday is 30th jan, let's pretend that its that time now and yeah timeline disruption here!)

We went to the shop.

Pansy was first, her ward was 10.5 inches, Reed wood and had a wand core of a Hippogriff Talon.

Draco went next; 11.5 inches, Hawthorn with Dragon Heartstring

Mattheo; 12 inches, Rowan with Dragon Talon

The me; also 10.5 inches, also Rowan but with a core of a Phoenix Tail


We bought the wands then left for pets!

Pansy bought a cat. It was a British Shothair, and she named him Ash. Draco hd already gotten an Eagle Owl named Dash. Mattheo and I also bought owls, he bought a Great Horned owl and named him Dagger. Like seriously? Dagger? I bought a Snowy White Owl, I named her Indie.

We then got robes, I met Harry, didn't talk, of course. AND FINALLY got to the store I had been waiting for.. QUALITY QUIDDITCH SUPPLIES! I just wanted to look around.

After getting ice cream, we exchanged our addresses, and all went back. Well, I got a ride home with Draco and Mattheo.

I burst through the door "KREACHER! PIXIE! I'M BACK!"

I excitedly showed them everything and everyone.

I only had wait a.. couple of months... until Hogwarts.

Before bed that night, I heard a clicking on my window and saw that Dagger was there!

I open the door.

Dear Amber,


I wanted to make sure this worked.

As your 'best friend', or whatever you want to call it, it was my duty to check on you.

Send me mail back with Dagger please!

Hope you're ok,


P.S. Don't call me Riddle, its too formal.

I smile to myself while reading

Dear 'Mattheo',

I got the letter so I guess it works?

Yes, as my best friend, it was your 'duty' to check on my but i'm fine, Kreacher and PIxie are amazing.

I will send this with Dagger, I still don't get why you called him that name.

Hope your ok too,


P.S. I'll call you Riddle if I want, but ok, Mattheo for now.

I quickly tied the letter back onto Dagger and sent him away.

Moral Of The Story - Mattheo Riddle Fanfiction:Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu