The Mirror Of Erised:

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It was now almost Christmas, I has met another girl, her name was Luna Lovegood, she was in the same year as me.

But back to what I was talking about.

I am right now.. stalking.. Harry, he's been disappearing a lot lately.

I'm supposed to be at Slytherin Common Room, but I have currently made myself invisible and am following, as you know, Harry James.. Potter.

As I take steps further into the dark night, the shallow sound of my footsteps echo slightly, hopefully neither Filch nor his filthy cat were around.

I also hoped Harry couldn't hear me, the whole time I am trying to memorise how to get there, we're currently on the 6rd level, deep in the labyrinth of Hogwarts Castle.





The gentle sound of a clock fills the air around me.

As I absentmindedly keep walking, I forget Harry's in front of me and nearly bump into him, luckily, he moved into a mysterious room just a mere second before I hit him.

The room did not have light, yet quite the opposite, it got darker with only one window that was partly covered with curtains showed the blue eerie light of outside. I could hear Harry's deep breaths echo. I had to keep my breathing down.

Harry then walked up to a mirror of some sort and started.. talking to it?!

I crept up slowly behind him and looked into it, I only saw Harry, on top I read ""Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi". Think, Amber, THINK!

I put the letters backward.


I show not your face but your hearts desire.. of course! The mirror or Erised, it shows what you really want in your life.

"Mum? why did Amber's father betray you? Dad? Was he not your closest friend?" Harry mumbled, yet had the same sorrow filled expression, he didn't get a reply.

If only.

If only he knew.

If only he knew what really happened.

He would understand what was really happening.

I felt bad, it wasn't his fault his parent's died, it could have been stopped..

If only.

I then heard another voice that slightly startled me.

"Harry," Dumbledore. Harry got up and turned to face his, they talked while I zoned out wondering what I may see in it, what Dumbledore would see in it.

Eventually Harry stepped out while Dumbledore remained, he stood up and walked over to the mirror, "Oh Ariana, if only." He said "If only." Then turned around to leave.

Now I would stand, I looked into the large arching mirror and look into it, I saw, nothing. Truly nothing. Just me.


A figure, no, two, loomed in the background then slowly emerged, my father and.. Mattheo? Why was he there? He was already my friend.. why did I want him?

I had to get him here, now.

I ran back to the common room, panting and out of breath.

"H-has, anyo-ne seen Ma-Mattheo?" I ask as I see Pansy and Draco on the couches, unusually close? I look at them, eyeing them one by one. "Dorm" Draco said, I nod as I go to our dorm.

"Mattheo?" I ask cautiously "Mattheo? Mattheo! MATTHEO!" I scream

"AAGH!" He bolts out of bed.


He may or may not have been sleeping..

"What do you want Am?" He asked

"Look, Theo, you know the mirror of Erised, right? I know where it is, FOLLOW ME!"

"Wha-" I drag him out of bed and out of the common room, Pansy and Draco watched us. Oh no.

We eventually reach the room and I show him the mirror.

"What do you see?" I whisper to him

"You." He replied, almost as if it were too easy.

"I saw my dad, and you too.." I said "Why do you think its like that?"

He shrugged his shoulders.

"I- I think we should go back." He said

I replied "Yeah, I shoulda bought a jumper.. I'm so cold!"

I felt a warm jumper wrap around me, of course.

"Theo." I say "I don't need it, its fine, you'll be cold!"

No reply.

"Theo?" I whisper again "Really, take it."

I hear him sigh "No, its ok, you have it."

I knew there was no point in arguing anymore, we went back to our dorm to find both Pansy and Draco in their beds.

"Goodnight, Amber"

"Goodnight, Mattheo"

A/N: Aaah, cringe at the endddd. Anyways, I didn't know what to write! Check out my ther book, pls vote and comment (if u want), thx!

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