Chapter 39 You Broke Me

Start from the beginning

"Just stay there Vincent, don't you dare come near me, you are a fucking asshole, just get away from me" she yells but I ignore her, as I move towards her, she starts attacking me by throwing the pillows towards me.

"Cassandra, what on earth are you doing dammit?" I yell as I stop in my tracks.

"I said don't you dare come near me" she yells at me but stops throwing things at me for a second when she did find anything. I found this as a chance and went towards her at a fast pace, holding her by her waist. She starts struggling and throwing her arms all around.

"Baby relax let's talk, stop doing this" but while moving her legs around, she steps on my foot. "Cassandra stop doing this" I yell and silence her. She stops struggling.

I sit on the bed and pull her with me to my lap, I look into her eyes and say "What is it Cassandra, why are you here? You are crying Miele? dimmi piccola, qual è il problema. Sei ferito? ti è successo qualcosa?" I say but she just starts at me like a stranger.
(Miele= honey; dimmi piccola, qual è il problema, Sei ferito? ti è successo qualcosa? = tell me baby, what's the matter, are you hurt? did something happen to you?)

Great she does not understand Italian so I once again ask her "What's it, Cassandra? You are crying?" I wipe her tears and kiss her eyes. "Tell me, Tesoro, I am all ears. Did anything happen?"
(Tesoro= sweetheart)

She nods her head. I raise my eyebrow at her but she does not continue. I rub her back to encourage her but she starts to cry harder. "Tesoro, what is it? Tell me should I take you to the doctor, are you having a period problem? God please talk to me"

She whispers "Don't you trust me enough Vincent? Do you think I am cheating on you with Nick? Or someone else?"

"What baby? No, I don't feel that" I reply quickly not looking into her eyes. I take her hands and kiss her knuckles "Then why Vincent, why didn't you defend me, not even a single word for me? You were quick to take Nick's side but not even once did you defend me. Did you think I am cheating on you?"

"No, no Cassandra why will I? Also, you were not even there, what are you taking" I ask her and she replies "I was there Vincent, I was behind you. I came with Nick but stood behind you since I wanted to know what you think of me, I never knew I was nothing in your life, I barely held any importance since, not even once did you take my name to defend me"

"No baby why are you thinking like that? Tesoro I wanted to defend you but I was fuckingly furious at them, I don't even remember what I said, they were all fighting. I am sorry, I am truly sorry for not defending you."

"No Vincent, you can't give that reason to me, I am not ready to listen to you. I fuckingly don't even believe you. You never made me feel important in your life, except yesterday but now everything looks like a façade moreover you don't leave a chance to call me all the names" she says as she gets up.

I also get up and pull her into my arms and rub her back to soothe her down, "Shh, your important to me, don't think so low of yourself. You are important to me, way too much. I know I was wrong to call you names during our fights but what can I say my anger got the best of me. I wronged you Cassandra, I seriously did but trust me, I believe you."

I thought of coming clean to her no matter what so I say "Cassandra I am sorry but today I did think you were cheating on me."

"What? How can you even think that way?" she asked me. I replied "Now when I saw you no where I thought you might be with someone else, moreover I didn't want to come home and find something unpleasantfull so I decided to book a room but I found your name on the register login so I thought you might be here with someone."

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