Jimin: Excuse me mister! He apologized, ok? It's an accident. How can you call him a brat?

Yoongi: But seems like he did wrong by apologizing. Cause a bastard like you don't even deserve his apologizes.'

Hoseok: Yes mister rude; The real brat and freak is here only you I can see...

The man step forwards furiously, 'WHAT? YOU CALLED ME WHAT?'

-Just What you heard? Don't tell me, that you need an ear surgery now?' Yoongi scoffed as he looked back to Jungkook ignoring the man and called softly, 'Kookie?'

Jungkook sniffed, 'Yes hyung?'

Yoongi: Are you hurt anywhere?

Jungkook shook his head as a no.

The man scoffed again, 'Huh! Such a crybaby...These brats nowadays-

Well! That's the last thread!

-Now you crossed the last line, you bastard!' Hoseok was going to charge the man but, Namjoon stopped him and showed Yoongi. Hoseok immediately understand what's gonna happen. He smirked and gave a pitiful look to the man.

You are doomed today man! Wish you can survive. Because you made the worst move of century, by touching the most precious thing of Kim Yoongi.

Namjoon whispered, 'What's you think, hyung? What's gonna happen?'

Jin smirked while rubbing Jungkook's back to sooth the boy who was still trembling a bit, 'The real fun! It's been a long time Yoongi last found a prey to beat, you know?'

All except Yoongi, Jungkook and the man...laughed. The man looked at them a bit sacredly.

Man: W-what are you guys up t-to, huh?'

Jimin smirked, 'Oh! Sacred, huh?'

Yoongi locked his eyes with the man and a bit by bit he started to roll up his sleeves of sweater, 'You really took a wrong move mister. We were trying to nice and gentle with you. But seems like you really wanna taste my punch so badly.'

Jungkook clenched Jin's jacket with his scared fist! Jin noticed and called Namjoon, 'Joon-ie?'

Namjoon looked at him.

Jin: Take kook to car, we will be there soon.' Namjoon nodded seeing the boy's condition and took him away from there, Jungkook didn't protest at all!

Now it's only them and the man. All of them cracked their knuckles and stretched their arms like they are getting ready for any sports!

Jimin smirked putting a hand on Taehyung's shoulder, 'It's show time.'

The man looked terrified, 'W-what are y-you gonna d-do to me?'

Taehyung smirked innocently, 'Uh no worry! We will just play some uncultured game with you, sir.' His deep husky voice made the man shiver.

Man: I will call police.

Hoseok: Oh really? But we didn't even do anything yet? What will you tell the police?

Jin: Why don't we do something so that when he call police, he can show some evidence to them that he called them in purpose? Right Yoongi?

Yoongi smirked evilly, 'Right hyung. Let me start.'


And the next moment...That man fall in the ground with a loud thud! Jimin clapped, 'Nice punch, hyung! So strong, huh?'

Yoongi smiled, 'Thanks dude!' and placed a few more punches on his face before pushing him, 'I'm impressed you know? I mean how you got the guts to hurt my kids, huh? You BASTARD?'

He pushed the man in ground, 'Who's next?'

Hoseok came forward, 'How about me?'

The man backed away, 'N-no...Go back! H-help! HELP-AAAAH!'


The loud slap echoed in the empty street.

Hoseok: No one dares to talk with my brothers like that...NO ONE!' three more sharp angry slaps placed on his cheeks making the man shout and whimper loudly in pain.

Taehyung came forward, harshly pulling the man up by grabbing his chin and punched on his abdomen, 'Next time remember it before doing something like that...You moron!'

Jimin harshly pulled his hair making the man shriek, 'Uncultured brat, right? Wanted to punch my younger brother, huh? This time you are going home in one piece, if I ever see you again around my brothers, you will forget your own name, I swear.'

They let him go from their hold and he landed on the hard street. Jin crawled near to him and smirked seeing his poor condition.

Jin: Tsk...Tsk...Look at you...This incident is gonna be a lesson for you. Behave well next time with strangers, ok? Good day, sir.' He stood up and turned to leave, 'Let's go guys.'



Once they reach the car they saw a so adorable sight in front that made all of them relaxed and happy at once. Jungkook is sitting on Namjoon's lap, holding a banana milkshake bottle with his two hands, like a baby! Namjoon hugging him by wrapping his arms on his waist, putting his chin on Jungkook's shoulder. The younger boy was blabbering so many things continuously and sipping the milk through the adjusted straw occasionally. The boys mentally cooed on the cute sight and went near them with a happy mood.

Jungkook noticed and ran to them. Yoongi was first to hug him and kissed on his forehead, 'You ok baby?'

Jungkook giggled, 'Yes hyung-ie. Namjoon hyung bought me banana milk.'

Jin: Yeah! The most effective medicine for all your problems. I guess you don't even need us if you got banana milk.' He teased and others laughed.

Only Jungkook pouted cutely a bit confused, 'No, I need you hyungs! But banana milk is so tasty hyung! I can't but get happy after tasting it! It's not bad-'

Jin face palmed and rubbed his face seeing the youngest one's innocence, 'Gosh! I didn't said any offensive thing against yoyr banana milk, Kookie! It's just—Aish forget it!' other laughed again, only Jungkook looked at them confusedly.

Jimin chimed, 'Leave it guys! So where is the next destination?'

Hoseok: How about shopping?

-GUCCHI!' Jungkook and Taehyung shouted out in sync and others face palmed being so done with the makhnes while they both high-fived smiling brightly.

Hoseok sat on the driving seat this time Taehyung went back side with other two makhnes, hugging the makhne closer to his chest.

Jin: LET'S GO!

The day was all fun. When they at last reached home, they all were exhausted yet so happy from inside...the city tour was worth a shot!

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