Season 2 / Chapter 5: Bound in Natura.

Start from the beginning

In this forest, you could feel things watching, staring holes into your body, into your soul, into your very being.

As you ventured deeper into the forest, the greenery became thicker, the air became... sicker? Almost... poisonous. Then you arrived in a large clearing, roofed by thick branches, leaves and various other things that were clearly not normal vegetation.

That was when you saw it.

A beast like nothing you'd ever imagined, nearly twice, maybe three times as big as the titanic, curledso that it's body made a crescent shape, it's head and tail pointed directly at you and chained to the ground with chains that made a Semi-Truck look like a kids play toy.

You were absolutely miniscule compared to this monstrosity of a creature, and yet, you felt no fear.

This massive creature laid there before you, silently, patiently, as if it had grown comfortable.

Then it's eyelids lifted, revealing eye's that put Olympic sized pools to shame.

The eye's were as green as liquid emerald and they boar holes into the very fabric of your existence.

Then a voice thundered from all around you, an aged voice, a voice that sounded like it had seen it's fair share, a voice that was almost motherly.

???: What brings a Snake like yourself to my humble clearing?

You opened your mouth, correction, you tried to open your mouth, but failed. It felt as though your lips had been glued shut.

???: Speak not with your tongue, Serpent Child, but with your mind.

You understood precisely what this creature was saying. How? You had no idea, but you did.

So, with your mind, you simply... thought.

Y/n: Is this working?

???: You're a wise one, I'm glad.

Y/n: Where am I? And... why are you chained up?

???: And straight to the point. You're in the realm of Natura. It's my birthplace, home and prison. As for why I'm chained, people contain what they can't control, fear what they don't understand and crave what they cannot have.

Y/n: And that has what to do with you being chained up exactly?

???: Do you know what a sacred gear is?

Y/n: Yeah, they're weapons of sorts, potentially strong enough to kill gods. Or some bs like that.

???: Yes, you're absolutely correct. Now, I have a sacred gear of my own, however, it surpasses far beyond simply 'Gods'. There are beings out there that make gods look like ants in comparison, and you could argue that I am stronger than they.

Y/n: Are we talking like... Eldritch God, snap your finger and erase everything in reality strong?

???: Oh I do so love an intelligent host! I can tell our partnership will bring forth absolutely astonishing results!

Y/n: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Host? Partnership? I did not agree to being the vessel for an all powerful... whatever you are.

???: Oh, right. I suppose there's some things I have yet to explain. First, introductions. Most mortals can't speak my name, so I've adopted the name of Juniper, and I'm the Dragon of Nature.

Y/n: Nature...? That doesn't sound all powerful.

Juniper: Yes, I'm well aware. I just prefer that title as oppose to Dragon of Calamity. It brings less fear.

Y/n: Dragon of Calamity sounds kinda badass.

Juniper: Yes, well... it'll be better for your sake that you use 'Dragon of Nature'. You'll keep the attention of some very powerful beings off yourself for the time being.

Y/n: Hah! You seem to have forgotten, I'd rather not have a partner.

Juniper: And I'd rather be left to sleep for all eternity, but sometimes, we just don't get what we want. Besides, the Sacred Gear chooses the user, not the other way around. I have as much control over it as you have over who your mother is.

Y/n: Ugh... great... Y/n L/n, Son of Loki and Vessel of Calamity. Actually, I kinda like that title.

Juniper: Oh, I do like that name. I'll be sure to remember that. Now, if you'd be a dear, could you please remove these chains?

Y/n: Umm... will you eat me?

Juniper: Oh dear, no. You're only here in mind and soul, not in body. If I were to swallow you whole, you'd just wake up in bed beside your beautiful lover. Good job by the way. Way better than that other girl a few years ago.

Y/n: Umm... what?

Juniper: Oh, I've been within you since you were born.

Y/n: Oh great.

Juniper: Don't worry, I made sure to not watch the embarrassing bits.

Y/n: Oh... Well that's good, I guess.

You stared at the chains and silently scolded yourself for even considering it, but you moved over to the chains and began releasing the beast from is bindings.

————————————————The End————————————————

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