"We have a new student, please stand and introduce yourself to the class." He stated, I nodded, standing up straight at the back of the class and giving a small bow.

"My name is Killua. Thank you for having me hear" I spoke, standing up straight again before sitting back down. I was given a few glares and threatening looks as I glanced back at my sketch. I was drawing gon, he was sitting in a tree with that bright smile of his and his fishing rod attached to his back.

The bell rang again, signaling the end of the class. Whilst some students made their way outside, others stayed behind and approached my desk.

"Hey there kid. Whatcha drawing there huh?" One of the boys spoke, slamming his hand down on the desk just inches away from the sketch. I didn't look up. He got annoyed, grabbing me by the hair and yanking my head back to look at him. "Don't ignore me you little freak! Don't think we don't know about your little secret!" He shouted, spitting in my face though his eyes widened when they were met with my own stone cold irises.

"You freak!" He shouted, activating his quirk and causing my head to slam onto the desk. I didn't move, or do anything for that matter. What would be the point in giving them any sort of attention? My head was yanked up again, this time from someone behind me. I was able to get a glimpse of a notebook flying past me and slamming into one of the guys faces. He stumbled back in confusion, and I glanced down at the notebook before looking to the door only to see that same broccoli boy standing there out of breath with a panicked look on his face.

"Get away from him!" He shouted, closing his eyes as he tightened his fists. Shit, if that kid didn't show up everything would be fine right about now. But now I have to worry about saving his ass as well.

"Awe, the quirkless wimp wants to help the other quirkless freak?" One of them stepped forward, swinging a bat in his hands and glaring at the boy.

"Just quit it already." I spoke. Confusing everyone in the room. My head made contact with the desk once again, making a small dent. Not much.

"Nobody said you could speak, freak!" The guy behind me yelled, yanking on my hair again. This guy was starting to piss me off. I looked back at the other boy, watching as a figure appeared behind him and he was shoved into the classroom, being grabbed and forcefully dragged to the side, his arm being put behind his back as he winced at the pain.

"We could easily kill you little bastards right here and now if we wanted to!" The one with the bat spoke, an insane look on his face. But it's an act. These little children wouldn't be able to kill a soul even if their life depended on it. Their ego is big but the regret they would have to shoulder could destroy them.

"Would you just shut up already? You're starting to piss me off." I spoke, no hint of fear in my words. I was met with a bat to the arm, a menacing crack sounding throughout the classroom along with a small scream from the greenette shouting for them to stop.

They all smirked, taking in the sight before their facade fell. A small laugh echoed throughout the classroom as the bat boy clenched his fists, grinding his teeth as he glared at me. I lifted my head up as soon as the grip on my hair loosened, I laughed. I made sure to have a crazed look in my eyes as I grinned up at the group before me.

The sound of dripping on the classroom floor as I felt that oh so familiar feeling of blood trickle down my arm. I purposely left my arm vulnerable in that small instant just so this outcome would be able to occur.

"Y-you're a freak!" The boy with the bat shouted, slamming the bat down on my desk, breaking it and ruining the drawing of gon. I frowned, he broke it. He broke him. I fell backwards onto the ground, a broken desk in front of me, the still grip of the boy behind me faltering slightly.

"I think that's enough." A voice sounded from the doorway, I glanced over, crimson eyes meeting mine as I smirked slightly. Everyone in the room froze as they stared at the door. The clattering of a bat falling to the floor, followed by footsteps as the blonde boy walked into the classroom. He glanced at the broccoli, then at me.

"But Bakugo! They deserve to-" he was cut off as he was blasted back, falling onto his ass as a small scorch burned on his uniform.

"I said that's enough." He shot a foul glare at the group, making his way to my battered desk and shoving the boy behind me back, bending down to my level and looking me dead in the eyes. "Who exactly are you supposed to be huh?" He spat, I shot his glare right back at him with the same intensity.

"Kachan! Leave him alone!" The green haired boy shouted, still being held back by the group. He didn't even turn around.

"Shut up Deku." He spoke, nudging his head to tell me to answer the question.

"Killua. Call me Killua. And you are?" I responded, not paying any attention to my injury. I've had much worse anyway so what's this matter?

"Bakugo. Bakugo Katsuki." He said, reaching his hand out, I smirked, throwing out my still usable hand and grabbing onto his. He helped me up onto my feet and placed his hands back in his pockets. "The rest of you. Leave. Take the nerd with you for all I care." I paused. Looking at the terrified boy before he was dragged out of the classroom.

"Wait." Everyone stopped, staring directly at me at the back of the class. Battered and bloody. "Hurt the kid and I'll hurt you." I said coldly, leaving no hint of fear behind in my tone of voice. Katsukis eyes narrowed as he looked me dead in the eyes once more. The others in the group just laughed at my threat.

"Don't hurt the nerd." The blonde said "unless you want to die by the hands of a quirkless kid." I grinned. The other boys in the doorway standing there utterly confused. "Trust me."

Much to the dismay of the other students, they shoved the freckled boy to the side, telling him to leave. So he did, he ran off as fast as he could.

"How much are you hiding exactly?" I glanced back at the blonde, smiling at him before turning on my heel, picking up my bag and heading for the door.

"No more than a small secret" I said softly, passing by the confused students and an even more confused angry blonde. I've had enough fighting for today, I'll just get his patched up and finish the rest of my classes for today.

I walked down the halls of the school, getting stares from a few students who noticed my blood soaked sleeve and battered forehead. It took a bit but I found myself at the school nurse's office, she gave me some wrapping bandages for my arm and the classical school nurse ice, telling me to go back to class without a question asked about how the injuries happened. This must be a regular thing here.

I sighed, walking down the hall to my next class. I opened the door, going to a new desk and putting my backpack down once more. The scolding I received from the teacher for being late was nothing compared to what would happen if I was late to training back at the mountain. So I simply ignored it, resting my head down on the desk and taking a long nap.

10 months till this entrance exam thing. I'm not sure if I can wait that long to find Gon and Alluka..

Words: 2093

My my, I think we have a spy~

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