Chapter 5- Past Relationships and Working with Your Best Friend

Start from the beginning

“Tell the boys we are leaving around 7.” My dad told me.

“Will do.” I replied as I walked back to my new room for the summer.

What happened with Ashley and I will most likely never leave my mind. But I think I can try and push it away for the summer. I want this summer to be about starting over and moving on from the terrible events of the beginning of this year. Now was my time to have fun and enjoy myself before senior year back home. And who knows, if that involved hanging out with a beautiful smart girl who was involved in helping kids like me, then what could be better.

Maria’s POV:

I ran home, I lived on the beach like Evan, but about two miles past Pinocchio’s while Evan lived about a mile the other direction from Pinocchio’s. Once I got home, I quickly showered and pulled on the family grocery store t-shirt that I had owned ever since my freshman year when I was officially hired there. It was lime green and had “Macini’s Grocery” in a funky font on the back. Despite it being my family business, I really did like the grocery store. I had grown up knowing the people who worked there. Most of them were cousins or aunts or uncles but even the ones who weren’t related to me felt like family.

I arrived at the store at 3:50, ready to start my shift at the register a little early as usual. I clocked in and said good afternoon to my grandpa who was in his old office, it was my dad’s now but I swear that my grandpa was in there more than he was. I made my way to the register and took over for my cousin Lucy.

“Hey Lucy, you can clock out now.” I informed her as I stepped behind her at the register.

“Alright, thanks M.” Lucy replied as she went to the back of the store to get ready to leave.

I could tell it was going to be a slow shift. Usually on days like today when it was perfect weather for being at the beach, the only people who stopped in were only buying a few necessity items. Nevertheless, I loved working here. I could hang out with my friend Ryan who had worked at the store with me ever since I started. He was a year older than me and had graduated last year but he told me he was spending the summer in McClellanville and would only leave to go an hour south to Charleston for college. Ryan and I agreed on practically everything. The thing I loved the most about him is how much he loves McClellanville. He grew up here like me and his family is a long time friend of mine. A lot of people in both of our families always bug us about why we never date, but to us we are best friends and closer than siblings. He is like the brother I never had and I am the sister he always wanted. His sister, Hailey, was my age but when we were in middle school she was out with her father on a fishing boat and she drowned in the storm. Ever since, her dad has never been quite the same, but I have helped fill the void left by her. Ryan’s parents treat me like I am their daughter and I am happy to help them in any way I can. Ryan and I get along naturally and look alike so we have had some fun times trying to convince vacationers that we are not related and are not dating either.

Ryan arrived for his shift late but he wasn’t going to get ridiculed for it. Half the time he didn’t get there until 5, but my family knew he had to take summer classes in Charleston over the summer to get into the medical school there, so they let it slide. He was studying to be a doctor.

“Hey Ryan!” I exclaimed as he came to his register, the only other one in the store.

“Hey Maria!” Ryan smiled at me as he turned to face me, “Guess what someone told me as I was on my way in today?”

“What’s that?” I asked with a smile.

“Someone mentioned they saw you today hanging out on the beach…with a very attractive male friend?!” Ryan gossiped to me. For a guy, I swear he was more interested in other people’s lives than I was, I guess Rachel was rubbing off on him.

“Now who told you that?” I laughed, questioning his information.

“I have my sources. Now is it true?”

“Yes Ryan…it’s true.” I blushed; I couldn’t help myself, every time I thought of Evan my face heated up.

“What?! Well who is this guy?”

“God Ryan! I swear you are worse than Rachel!”

“Oh M, I am wounded! But really come on! Why are you being so secretive?”

“I’m not being secretive! There’s just not that much to tell!”

“Well I would appreciate knowing whatever little bit that is!” Ryan gave me the puppy dog eyes that he knew I couldn’t resist.

“…Fine! Fine…I met this guy named Evan today when I was running and we had lunch and ice cream. That’s it!” I exclaimed, “Happy?” I asked.

“Not exactly because I know you are leaving a major part of the story out.” Ryan shook his head at me.

“And what part would that be?” I asked as I rolled my eyes.

“You liiiiiiiiike him!” Ryan drew out the like like a little kid would.

I had no response to that. He was right, I most certainly liked him. A lot more than I probably should might I add.

“I knew it!!!” Ryan yelled after I didn’t say anything to his accusation.

“Yeah yeah Ryan. You’re a genius! You know what it means when a girl blushes!” I laughed.

The rest of my three hour shift passed with little entertainment. Ryan had dropped the topic of my love life and we joked around like usual for the rest of the day. When my shift ended at 7 I clocked out and went home to change for my dinner with Rachel. I couldn’t wait for her endless list of questions about Evan. But she was my best friend and I told her I would tell her about him so I would. Besides, maybe talking about him with her would help me figure out where I wanted our friendship to go. I know it was only the first day I had met him, but I knew he was different. He was special. He was what I needed.

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