"I am not kicked out, I am benched there is a difference. Now leave me alone." Guilt formed inside of him. This was not how his mother raised him. Niel was a gentleman, not today though. Today he was a frustrated teenager who had nowhere to put his anger.

"Oh, I am sorry." Came out softly from Daisy.

"Come on Johnson don't be such a heartbreaker," Jasper yelled from across the hallway. All the people around him started to laugh. Daisy was intimidated by them and hurried away. Jasper on the other hand did the exact opposite. He made his way to the now very angry Niel.

"You know, you just scared your only fan away Johnson." Jasper laughed sinisterly. Loving the way his enemy for years was now finally kicked down to the lowest place possible on the social ladder of high school.

Niel didn't want to confront, didn't want to fight. He turned around away from everyone. As he was a few feet away he felt an arm sling over his shoulders. "Where are you going Othniel? We were just having some fun. That's good for you, you know. To have some fun. How about you have some fun with us?"

Niel knew this wasn't a kind invitation. He knew something was up and he tried his hardest to escape from Jasper's grasp. With one swift movement, he wiggled his body free and tried to run to the exit. Running was hard. His injury was still very tender and he had put way more weight on it than he should.

"Come on let's chase him."

As he went over the threshold of the school he could hear the others chasing him. Niel didn't understand why it was now they insisted on bullying him. Was his status within the soccer team that valuable that he got a free pass from being bothered?

It sucked that Niel was one of the few who rode a bicycle to school instead of a car. Their cars easily caught up with him. They were playing a dangerous game with him. Niel could actually feel the fear rising up in him. As he tried his best to avoid the others by taking paths cars couldn't ride they still found him.

Niel managed to get into the suburbs but from here on out it was difficult to lose them. No shortcuts to hide only big roads made for cars. When he biked alongside the edge of the forest there was only one option, the sand road. He made his turn at the very last moment, letting the others on. He heard Jasper shouting to the others and soon the cars turned around but by the time they were entering the forest Niel made his way far inside and was now biking on some walking path where no cars could go.

Still afraid the others would find him he kept on biking until he couldn't go any further. Exhausted and in pain, he stepped off his bike and sat against a tree trunk. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

Niel couldn't believe his life was changed so drastically over the course of the weekend. His social status was shattered in his school, his soccer career was gone and he had discovered a weird community in the midst of the forest near his town. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

He must have fallen asleep because when he opened his eyes it was much darker. But that wasn't the thing that surprised him the most. It was the ginger from before and the big guy Atlas who were standing in front of him that made him stand up in seconds with fright.

"Wow, wow, wow, chill man. We mean no harm." The ginger said.

Niel looked frantically around. He didn't know why maybe just to check Jasper and his followers were really gone. Or maybe for help because these two men were the last ones he wanted to see.

"What happened? You don't look so well." Atlas asked concerned.

Niel carefully grabbed his bike as he said lowly. "Nothing, I just took a wrong turn and then got tired. That's all."

As His World Changed (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now