Chapter 47: The Festival

Start from the beginning

Angelica: 1 year old.

Vanitas: I will teach her, when she is old enough around 5-6 years old, but who is the lucky father?

Angelica: That isn't important right now, here.

She give him a piece of paper.

Vanitas: This is.

Angelica: My number use it so we can keep in contact.

Vanitas: I see, I will keep that in mind.

Vanitas save the number on his scroll.

Vanitas: Hold on a sec, there are something that I want to give you.

Angelica: Really?

Vanitas: Yes.

They go outside of the stadium, he summon out Avian and  they flew to the students dorm. Vanitas made his way to his dorm room.

Angelica: Huh. So this is where you currently live.

Vanitas look through his items and take out a amulet and a necklace.

Angelica: This is?

Vanitas: Maha Amulet it will help beginner get use to the flow of mana, you can give it your daughter to help her get ready to learn about magic. And the Lunar Blessing a magical necklace that can detect danger and warn the wearer before it come.

Angelica: Oh, I didn't know you have these.

Vanitas: I made them myself you should use Lunar in case something happen.

Angelica: Thank you, Vanitas.

The dog that Ruby brought back ran around the room.

Angelica: Any way I have to go back now. I hope we will meet again soon, Vanitas.

The portal open up, she began to walk through it and Vanitas walk back to the stadium.

Vanilla: Where were you?

Vanitas: Just meet an old friends that's all.

Vanilla: Really, who?

Vanitas: Counterfeit.

Vanilla: Oh her.

Ren: Who are you two talking about?

Vanitas: Don't worry about it. The next fight is coming up.

They watch CFVY fight. After meeting with Medusa, Coco decided to break up with Vanitas for unknown reason, she won't stop helping him but she still couldn't bring herself to face Vanitas again.

Later that day after walking back to their room, RWBY and COUNTER see Zwei. Ruby and Yang pet dog but his size was around a full grown bear.


Weiss: Oh my Oum, he just look even more CUTE!

Yang: WOW!

Ruby: ZWEI! How did you get so huge?

Vanilla: Our potion that we spend days making.

Ren: There there. It's okay Vanilla. Don't be upset.


Vanitas take a deep breath, holding one of his sword while his other hand pointed towards Zwei.

Vanitas: Alright, I have decided. Tonight's dinner for us is-

Weiss/Ruby/Yang: NO!

The next day

Felix: Why do I have to team up with you, Faker?

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