I shrug looking at Rhodelia who has a bright smile on her face.

"Do you have the keys?" She asks excitedly.

"No, but." I grab a metal ruler from my pocket and wedge it between the window, I then run upstairs and bring down a cloths hanger to wedge into the gap, making it bigger.

While doing this Rhopex goes to the other side and pulls the door handle causing it to open as they both look at me as if I'm dumb.

"Why the fuck did you have a metal ruler on you in the first place and why didn't you try the door you idiot?" Rhodelia questions as we open the car door and I go into the driver seat ready to hotwire the car.

"I don't know." I shrug

Why do they think I have the answer to everything?

"The guards should be finished with their shift change in 5 minutes so we need to be quick." I inform them checking my phone.

I may or may not watch the guards when I'm bored or talk to them or as Angelo puts it 'distract them' I mean it's not my fault, we have a lot to talk about.

Getting back to task, I shake my hands to concentrate.

"I haven't done this in so long." I whisper more to myself as the other girls just ignore it for now.

I sit on the carpet as I look up to the wires. Two red wires and two brown wires.

"Shit I need to cut these check if there is anything sharp in this car?" I inquires looking around.

"Shit he has scissors in here." Rhodelia cheers handing them over as I sigh in relief.

I know this is dangerous as I'm not using wire cutters or gloves but I've done this many times and never end up with any major injuries.

After cutting them, uoo I twist the red and brown ones together as we hear the engine in the car fire up.

"Yesss!" We all laugh happily as I get up and out the car letting Rhodelia drive for now.

"Okay let's go before anyone notices." Rhopex says as we speed out of the gates going on the road.

"So how many times have you hotwired a car?" Rhodelia adds looking at me for a second.

"Umm a couple too many time." I inform them roughly not knowing the exact number.

"Why did you need too?" Rhopex goes to ask but trails of not knowing what to say.

"I sometimes had to get groceries and was to tired to walk back." I explain without getting into it.

Well I didn't exactly lie I was tired but I was also in too much pain and too scared to walk in the dark to not steal a car.

"So where are we going?" Rhopex changes the subject as I internally thank her.

"What about an ice cream parlor?" Rhodelia suggests looking back to Rhopex as we all cheer yes wanting ice cream.

"How long do you think it will take before the boys notice us missing?" I ask as mine phone begins ringing along with Rhopex's phone.

"Now?" Rhodelia says bursting into laughter as we check who is calling us.

That was quicker than I thought.

As we drive about 20 minutes in we tell each other jokes and about ourselves.

"Umm I think we are being followed guys." Rhodelia stops talking as she keeps looking into the mirror although she looks very calm.

"What do we do?" I panic as my breathing picks up.

The mafia princess (paused)Where stories live. Discover now