Mommy/daddy problems, if one of them involved abuse! Oh boy!

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T/W: abuse, not enough to eat, death, parent problems, trauma dump, mentions of cyber bullying, blood, child neglect, mentions of alcohol and car crash, trans hate/disapproving parents, adhd disapproval, gender nonconforming disapproval, sibling comparison, scars, forced amputation, pain, fainting/unconsciousness

Hermit(s): multiple, mostly Grian 

Type: angst

POV: Grian 

I run out of the house crying, my head pounding. I run as far as I can, deep into the forest, jumping over rivers and sliding under fallen logs, running purely on adrenaline. Finally, all the energy seems to drain from my body, my vision fuzzy. As I collapse on the ground, I'm vaguely aware of warm red blood flowing freely from my forehead.

### POV change: Mumbo

I storm off, angry tears blinding my vision. This time my parents had gone through my phone, checked my texts and photos, and grounded me because I was friends with 'those ridiculous hermit kids.' They had then proceeded to text every single hermit and say that I quit their friend group, insulted them, and then decided, as if that wasn't enough, to use all they had told me through the texts, which my parents had read, to cyber bully the other hermits. My parents had not only invaded MY privacy, but the privacy of my friends AND used their trust of me against them. 

I had known that my parents didn't approve of my friendship with the hermits, but never in a million years would I have guessed that they would take it this far. 

### POV change: Xisuma 

I slam the door to my room, unshed tears finally spilling onto my pillow case. I had asked pa if he would go get medication for Xanthus. My twin had started throwing up last night and the only medicine in the house is kept in a safe. Ever since my ma died, pa had gotten increasingly negligent. At first it was coming home late, but now I was practically Xan's dad, even though I was only three minutes older. 

It had never been dangerous for anyone involved until Xan got sick. We had plenty of money and food lying around, so other than the fact that I had to take care of my sibling and myself plus keep up with school, everything was fine. Not ideal, but not fatal. After all, pa wasn't abusive or an alcoholic, he actually swore off alcohol because ma had been killed when a drunk driver hit her car. But to get medicine or go to the doctor minors had to have an adult with them. And I didn't look old enough. 

So Me and Xan had asked pa to take Xan to the doctor. And pa had scowled, told Xan to walk it off like a man, and then he had thumped Xan on the back and left without another word. 

At that moment, Xan themself walks in, crying. I wiped my face and patted the bed next to me, carful not to touch her. She sat down, rapping my blanket around herself. A few months ago, Xan had admitted that she hated being touched, and had asked me to address her as she/her. 

### POV change: Impulse

I sit at the dining table, leg bouncing. Mom looks up from her laptop and I force my leg to stop bouncing. Her gaze turns back to her computer. And with out warning, my foot starts tapping. This time she glares at me. "Can't you stay still?" She asks. I open my mouth to answer, but don't know what to say. The truth is that I can't help it. But mom would say I'm lying. If I do lie, say I can sit still and eat my breakfast, than she'll ground me for not doing as I'm told. Either way I get a talking to. They make me nervous and that means I fidget more. Finally, I just get up from the table and walk to my room.

### POV change: False

I grown when my mom Pulls out another dress. This one is worse than the last, bright pink with ruffles and lace. "No." I answer my mom's un asked question. She sighs, saying "what am I going to do with you? You won't wear dresses or makeup, you refuse to grow out your hair, what little you do wear is aviator goggles, jeans, boots and loos t-shirts. Why can't you just be a girl?" This is  a conversation we have daily. She asks me to wear something un practical. I say no. She does the 'what am I going to do with you' line, then compares me to my sister, True. She wears dresses and makeup and drools over boys just like every other dumb blond I've seen. 

HIATUS|| Grian Centric Oneshots, Song Fics, Angst, Fluff, H/C, and Crossovers!(Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora