EP 25

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Last chapter of Season 1!

    The last quarter of the match began. Aomine was even more determined to win. The fact that he had four fouls was completely irrelevant to him, he would keep playing. 

    He got the ball and dashed across the court. Kise kept up with him, but couldn't get the ball from him.

    Aomine made a fade away shot and scored, just a few seconds in the fourth quarter. Touou wasn't backing down and Kaijou noticed. Not only the four fouls didn't affect Aomine, but he was stronger than before.

    The game went on and Kise got his hands on the ball. Aomine kept up with him and Kise did a fade away shot and scored. Just like Aomine had done. It was amazing how he replicated that, but that was Kise and his Perfect Copy.

    Aomine made a formless shot and scored, and Kise did exactly the same move and scored, too. They kept up with this for a moment. Points were being scored by both teams, by both aces, one copying the other perfectly.

    Finally, there was only three minutes left until the end of the game and Kaijou was behind Touou by 10 points, 98–108. Kise was really tired, he was panting heavily. Keeping up with Aomine, doing his Perfect Copy, took a toll on his body. His muscles were screaming, but he didn't let it show.

    The rest on Kaijou's players were the same, they were panting and tired. Well, Touou's weren't that better, either. It had been an intense and tiring game.

    Imayoshi had the ball and was dribbling it in place, Kasamatsu marking him. He passed the ball to Sakurai, but the boy was distracted and the ball simply hit his hand and bounced. Kise didn't waste the opportunity of a loose ball. This was their chance to give Kaijou the control of the game and turn the scores around! If they scored now, they would be only two three-pointers behind Touou. 

    This knowledge sent Kaijou's spirits up even more. If they missed, they would have reached their time limit. It was their last minute, their last chance!

    Kise quickly got the ball and sprinted towards Touou's basket. Aomine ran faster and got in front of him. Both boys were stuck on an impasse. Aomine wasn't sure which side Kise would go. If Kise decided to do what Aomine himself would do, he would do a fake to the left and then a crossover to the right. But, he couldn't know what Kise would do with certainty. Would he go left or right?

    Suddenly, Aomine smirked. He saw the answer. 

    Kise moved and instead of going right or left, he simply jumped in the air to try and score from there. Aomine jumped after him. Then, Kise surprised them by lowering his hand with the ball. Kasamatsu was right behind him and Kise was going to pass the ball to him instead of trying to score against Aomine on his own. It would be a good plan . . . but it didn't work. Aomine spinned in the air, lowering his hand, too and smacked the ball from Kise's hand before he could pass. No one could believe he managed to stop him like that. How he moved so fast and broke their play. If Kise had managed to pass to Kasamatsu, he would have scored a three and their chance of winning would be greater. But they failed. Kise had decided to play with his team and it had failed.

    A certain (H/C) haired girl in the audience could only hope that what just happened wouldn't make Kise refuse team work again.

    "You've done pretty well until now. But in the very end, you made a mistake." Aomine explained to Kise, who was still looking shocked. "If it had been a one-on-one, you may have had a chance to win. You faked by looking one way, but you looked at Kasamatsu on your right. In that position I wouldn't have faked with my eyes. At first glance, a pass looks like the most surprising move, but it's also something I would never do and the most easily predicted move. My style of basketball isn't designed to rely on my teammates." Aomine explained coldly and Kise eyes were widened. 

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