EP 7

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    The game against Shinkyo was still going on. Kagami was doing a good job pressuring Papa to make him miss his shots.

    Eventually, Kagami's natural instinct switched on and he started to jump to try and get the ball from Papa. It was noticeable that Kagami was reaching higher and higher with each jump.

    The first quarter came to an end. Seirin was winning 23-8.

    (Y/N) gave everyone a towel and their water bottles. As the team was resting, Riko was in front of them giving instructions. Kuroko was to stay on the bench during the next quarter in order to rest and preserve his energy and efficiency. Kagami was instructed to keep pressuring Papa to miss.

    After the break, the game resumed. Kagami kept his mark on Papa. The big guy was frustrated and mad that Kagami was able to jump so high and pressure him. Papa started to give up on his shots and passed the ball back to his teammates. Unluckily for him, his teammates kept giving the ball back to him for him to score, but it was impossible – Kagami was jumping so high he was able to actually catch the ball when Papa shot it.

    Kagami's jumping skills really were amazing. Kuroko and (Y/N) were watching from the bench and couldn't help but be reminded of what Kise had said at the park, that when Kagami got stronger he most likely wouldn't stay the same person he is now.

    (Y/N) looked down at her feet and Kuroko grabbed her hand. He knew she was thinking about the same thing as him and tried to reassure her.

    As the game went on, the scores started to get closer, so Riko put Kuroko in again. She felt it was better to win with a larger margin.

    Finally, the fourth quarter came to an end and Seirin won 79 - 67. Everyone was happy with the win.

    Unbeknownst to them, someone had been watching their game. That person looked at the (H/C) haired girl, who was talking happily with Kuroko and Kagami, with a serious expression.

    Like that, Seirin High successfully made it through their first game of the preliminaries.

    The second game was against Jitsuzen High and, with Kuroko benched the whole game, Seirin won 118 - 51. The third game was against Kinga High and Seirin won 92 - 71. 

    Next came their 4th game, against Meijo Academy.

    Seirin was once again getting ready for the match. Everyone was either making baskets or dribbling. 

    Suddenly, the opposing team came in. (Y/N) looked at them and her eyes widened.

    "It's the fourth round. We might have some trouble today." One of the guys from the opposing team said.

    The one at the front scoffed.

    "We're against Seirin today." He said smugly.

    Another one then spoke, too.

    "This should be easy. They got destroyed in the Championship League last year. They're nothing more than a new school that made it through with sheer luck." The guy said mockingly.

    As they were saying that, (Y/N) was making her way towards Kagami's and Kuroko's side. She grabbed their arms happily.

    "Hey, hey, guys! Do you remember those punks?" she asked them enthusiastically. Kagami looked at them and thought for a bit.

    "Oh, it's the guys from the other day at the park." Kagami said, remembering. (Y/N) smiled more.

    "Right? Who thought that you'd get the chance to beat them again so soon!" the girl said smirking.

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