EP 17

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    Aomine was going in to play in the last 30 seconds of the second quarter and tension was in the air. They would see now who Aomine Daiki really is. Kagami also went in.

    Aomine made his way towards Kuroko.

    "Hey, Tetsu. It's good to see you again. I was wondering what kind of face you'd make. I like it, you look ready to go." Aomine said to the short boy, who kept his face serious.

    "Yes, I promised Momoi-san and (Y/N)." Kuroko answered and Aomine chuckled.

    "I more or less understand what you want to say, but you'll have to show me that with your play." Aomine told him and shrugged his shoulders. "Well, either way, say it once you've beat me." He said, looking threatening.

    "All right." Kuroko answered coolly.

    The second quarter finally resumed and Touou was starting with the ball. They advanced fast and Seirin tried to stop them. At some point, the ball gets on Aomine's hands and Kagami is in front of him, set on the task of not letting Aomine get past him. It was a one-on-one.

    Aomine smirked and with tremendously fast moves he dribbled past Kagami, who looked back at him in shock. Aomine ran towards Seirin's basket and jumped to dunk the ball, but Kagami smacked the ball out of his hand. Now that surprised Aomine, he wasn't expecting Kagami to catch up to him so quickly.

    Seirin got the ball back in the game with a fast break. Kagami ran towards Touou's basket, the same way the ball was going. He caught it and tried to dunk, but Aomine smacked the ball out of his hands, just like Kagami had done to him seconds before.

    On those 30 seconds left of the second quarter, neither of the teams scored.

    They now had a break of ten minutes before the third quarter started. Seirin was in their locker room and Riko took out a container full of honey soaked lemons to replenish the boys' energy. The sad part was . . . she hadn't sliced the lemons . . . they were whole and drowned in the honey. The boys looked disappointed with her failed attempt, but their manager saved them when she took out another container that she had brought, with nicely sliced lemons covered with honey. Mitobe had done the same, he was actually a good cook and had brought his team some lemon slices, as well. So, now the boys had two containers of honey soaked lemon and they could cry with joy. Poor Riko was sulking in the corner, though . . .

    Kuroko was the only one not eating. He was looking serious and restless.

    "Tetsuya, you should eat too. Replenish your energy." His (E/C) eyed friend said, but he refused.

    "No, I'm good." He said softly. Riko turned to him.

    "Kuroko-kun, you played the all first half, so I'm taking you out for a bit." She told him and Kuroko looked troubled, he didn't want to be out.

    "Hum, could you let me keep playing on the second half, too?" he asked the coach, who looked surprised.

    "No, Tetsuya." (Y/N) answered quickly, although Kuroko didn't ask her. They all looked at her. "We all know you have low stamina and your misdirection won't work the whole game. You need to stay out for a bit and rest. Nothing good will come if you are exhausted." She said seriously.

    "Well, but it's true that subbing Kuroko-kun out now won't be too good either. Aomine will be tough without him, can we even manage it?" Hyuuga asked both girls. He then turned towards Kuroko. "But it is correct that your misdirection will lose effect, isn't it?" he asked the blue haired boy.

    "I don't think we should do it. I've seen it with my Eagle-eye that your effectiveness is already decreasing. You should stay out for a while." Izuki said and (Y/N) nodded in agreement.

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