EP 24

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    The rest of the second quarter continued and Kise and Aomine were at it again – a one-on-one. Everyone was watching closely, but Kise shocked them all when instead of trying to get past Aomine, he simply passed the ball to Kobori. Aomine was surprised as well.

    "Hey, what's wrong? Have you already given up?" Aomine asked the blond. Although he asked that, Aomine didn't believe that Kise had given up. Instead, he knew Kise was working on something. They knew each other quite well, after all.

    Touou stole the ball from Kobori and it went back to Aomine's hands. Aomine quickly went past Kise and jumped to score. Down side was he didn't notice Kasamatsu so close to him when he jumped and smacked against him, making a foul.

    Aomine helped Kasamatsu get on his feet again, but he knew that Kasamatsu had done that foul on purpose. He had stayed there so Aomine would smash against him, making a foul and the basket not count.

    Kise kept going against Aomine. The pressure he used wasn't the same as before, it was a bit less, but they still had the intention to win. It was like Kise was going easy on purpose.

    In the audience, Seirin, who had been making a lot of comments throughout the game, kept watching closely. (Y/N) was there trying to figure Kise out. Why was he behaving like that? He only moved when it was to come up against Aomine and everything else was being taken care of by his four teammates. What was Kise trying to do?

    Then, it suddenly clicked in her head. She couldn't believe Kise was going to try to do it. There were so many things that could go wrong. And his team was ok with that? They would take the risk for Kise? It was incredible the amount of trust and faith they had in their ace!

    "(L/N)-chan, what is it? You look so shocked all of a sudden." Riko asked her. The manager quickly shook her head.

    "Ryota is trying to copy Daiki's style." She answered promptly. The others looked at her surprised. Kuroko nodded silently, he had been thinking the same thing as her.

    It was true. That was exactly what Kise had been trying to do. He's not pressuring Aomine like he was at the beginning of the match because now he was focused on observing him. While he tried to learn his style and copy it, the rest of his team was holding Touou back, not letting them get to much advantage on the scoring board. They were buying Kise time. It was risky because it wasn't guaranteed that Kise would be able to do it. If he failed, they would certainly lose the game.

    Kise understood what he had to do in order to be able to learn Aomine's style and finally be able to copy him. Kise had always looked up to Aomine and that was exactly the problem – how can you beat someone if you look up to them? Kise had to abandon his admiration for him if he wanted to be better than him. That thought made him kind of sad, but, at the same time, he was ready to do it. He had to do it!

    Aomine looked at Kise with widened eyes. He was seeing the look the blond had on his face. Kise had just come to terms with himself to stop admiring Aomine and go against him with full strength.

    The second quarter ended with a buzzer-beater from Imayoshi. Kaijou was losing 34-43.

    There would be a break of 10 minutes. In a flash, (Y/N) got up from her seat and ran out. She wanted to see Kise. She walked around for a bit until she found him alone outside, on a sort of balcony.

    "Ryota." She called for him. The blond looked like he was deep in thought, but when he heard her calling for him, his head shot up.

    "Eh? (Y/N)-chi?!" he said surprised. "Why are you here? How?" he asked.

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