EP 3

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    It was finally the day Seirin's basketball team would play against Kaijou High School in a practice game. They arrived at the famous school and walked inside the campus, impressed with its size.

    (Y/N), of course, was with them. She was excited with such a big practice game, especially when it's against such a prestigious school . . . and also because Kise was part of the opposing team.

    As they walked, one of them looked unusually tired. It was Kagami. (Y/N) and Kuroko looked at him a bit worriedly.

    "Are you ok? Your eyes look so heavy." (Y/N) asked Kagami, who kept walking stiffly.

    "She's right, the look in your eyes is worse than usual." Kuroko said also.

"Shut up, both of you. I was just too excited to sleep." Kagami said tiredly.

    (Y/N) scoffed and Kuroko looked at him with his poker face.

    "What are you, a kid going on a field trip?" Kuroko asked him and before Kagami could get mad at him, they were distracted by someone calling for them.

    It was Kise and he was running towards them.

    "Hey guys!" he said as he ran. "This place is so big, so I thought I would come get you." he said, panting a little, and Riko greeted him.

    Kagami made his way to Kise, but before he could even say anything, Kise walked past him, ignoring him completely.

    "Kuroko-chi, after you turned down my invitation to join my team, I cried into my pillow at night!" Kise said dramatically and Kuroko kept quiet. Kise looked behind Kuroko and saw (Y/N), who blinked at him cutely, and his eyes turned bright in a second. "(Y/N)-chi! You came, too! Did you come to cheer me on?" he asked her and (Y/N) simply shook her head.

    "Huuuh, not really, no." she answered and Kise cried dramatically.

    "How mean! You know, no girl has ever turned me down before!" he kept whining and (Y/N) chuckled.

    "Well, I'm glad I provide you with new experiences." She said teasingly and Kise pinched her cheek and smiled.

    Then his face turned a bit more serious and he looked at Kuroko.

    "You know, I'm interested to know more about the guy that makes Kuroko-chi say things like in the other day." Kise said and turned towards Kagami. "I don't care much about being called one of the Generation of Miracles, but I can't ignore such an obvious challenge." He continued to say as he walked past Kagami, who looked at him with a serious face. "I'm not mature enough to let it slide. Sorry, but I'm going to crush you with everything I have." Kise threatened and Kagami smirked in excitement.

    With Kise leading them, they resumed their way to the school's gym. (Y/N) sped up her pace until she was walking beside Kise. The blond boy looked down at her and she looked up at him. Then she smiled sweetly at him and it was like flowers started floating around Kise's head, making all the other people walking with them feel weirded out. Kise put his arm around (Y/N)'s shoulders and gave her a side hug as they walked.

    "Can't believe you came to see me, (Y/N)-chi!" he said happily and the girl laughed.

    "I told you already, I didn't come to see you, silly." She told him and he pouted.

    "Well, I don't believe you!" he insisted and (Y/N) laughed again.

    Kuroko and Kagami were watching their interaction. The others were as well, actually. Riko approached Kuroko and spoke quietly to him.

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