EP 20

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    Kagami's and Kiyoshi's one-on-one started. The first-one to score would be the winner. Kiyoshi was dribbling and Kagami was in front of him guarding the hoop. With a swift move Kiyoshi passed by Kagami and went towards the basket. He jumped to dunk, but Kagami tapped the ball out of his hand. Kiyoshi was surprised by his jumping power – he had heard of it, but experiencing it first hand was totally different.

    Kiyoshi was being incredible, actually. He hadn't played for so long and he was still doing well against Kagami.

    Kagami had the ball, now. He dribbled past Kiyoshi and jumped to dunk. Kiyoshi jumped after him and was going to be able to stop Kagami, hadn't the red haired boy maneuvered his body just in time. With that, Kagami scored and won the one-on-one match.

    Kiyoshi nicely agreed that Kagami would be the one to start in the games. Riko wasn't too pleased that they decided things like that because Kiyoshi would be essential to the team and, thus, should be playing. But she quickly dismissed that, this obviously had more to it than simply decide who would be the starter player. Kiyoshi was that type of person.

    Now that practice had ended, Kagami made his way out, alone. He politely said goodbye to everyone and went on his way. The others stayed behind, looking at him worriedly. Kagami had been really weird, he looked like he had a lot on his mind in the past few days.

    (Y/N) sighed, she could only hope he would come out of it soon or at least talk to someone about it.

    In the next three days, Seirin would be having practice games with other schools. In order to see the first-years play and to see how they would do by themselves, the second-years decided to let them all play while they stayed on the bench.

    Seirin won all the games, but another thing that was a bit worrying was how Kagami didn't receive any of Kuroko's passes. He didn't even look at him. Kuroko had to make do by only passing to the other teammates.

    (Y/N) was once again watching them, looking crestfallen. Whatever was happening between them, was taking a bit of time to sort out.

-----At night after practice-----

    Everyone gathered their things to go home.

    (Y/N) was waiting for Kuroko, but she received a text from him asking her to go without him. Apparently, he wanted to speak with the team's captain, Hyuuga, but he didn't want her to be there to listen.

    (Y/N) understood, Kuroko was also trying to figure out what to do, so she didn't pressure him. She sighed and made her way outside, prepared to walk alone.

    As she got outside, a big figure was standing there. It was Kagami and he was looking at her, quietly. She was curious at what he was doing and opened her mouth to ask, but Kagami broke the silence first.

    "(L/N)." he said calmly. The girl kept looking at him, curious. "Would you come with me? To the park? I think I need to speak with you." He asked her and the girl's (E/C) eyes widened.

    "Yeah, sure! Let's go." She answered quickly.

    If Kagami finally wanted to talk, she was more than ready to listen!

    Kagami and (Y/N) had finally arrived at the park. The walk there had been completely silent.

    They dropped their bags on the bench and Kagami took a basketball out of his bag.

    (Y/N) just kept quiet, waiting for him to speak.

    "You know, (L/N), I have the feeling you've been thinking that I'm playing how I used to. You look gloomy as hell." He said to her as he held the ball on his right hand. "The truth is I'm not turning my back on the team. I'm not trying to push Kuroko away. I'm just . . ." he shook his head and (Y/N) got closer to him.

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