EP 4

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    The first quarter ended and Kaijou was in the lead. Seirin was resting on the bench while thinking about what they could do to turn the scores around.

    (Y/N) stood in front of them and spoke.

    "Ryota is strong, that is obvious, but being the way he is, it isn't hard to know what works against him." She said and everyone looked at her.

    "What do you mean, (L/N)-chan?" Hyuuga asked.

    "Ryota, like any other big-headed idiot I know, only knows how to play alone. He doesn't rely on anyone, although his teammates rely on him. He thinks he's all that's necessary to win. So, that's exactly what we have to use against him." She explained and Riko kept her eyes on her, paying close attention. "Kagami has to stop trying to go against Ryota alone, because he'll always be able to keep up with him and do what he does, only better." (Y/N) said making Kagami turn to her a bit annoyed.

    "Then, what would be better?" Riko asked and (Y/N) smiled at them all.

    "I suggest having Tetsuya and Kagami work together. You two, playing in sync, will be able to go around Ryota. Ryota knows and recognizes that Kagami has potential, and by what he could see until now, Kagami also likes to play relying only on himself." She said and Kagami looked taken aback. Before he could deny what she said, (Y/N) looked at him and kept talking. "Ryota will never expect you to pass the ball to the others when you have a clear way to the hoop! Kagami, instead of trying to pass by Ryota alone, you should use Tetsuya's help. He's the best at putting the ball where you want it to be. With his help, you will score easily." (Y/N) said with certainty and Kagami nodded stiffly.

    Riko smirked.

    "I see, that could work." She said. "But, your coordination will be key." Riko told them, looking at them.

    (Y/N) nodded and quickly turned to them again.

    "But, wait. Don't forget who you're dealing with, the same trick won't work against Ryota twice. You must keep coming up with different ways to pass the ball around. And also don't forget it's not only you two playing, so pass the ball to the others as well." (Y/N) said while gesturing to the second-year players.

    All of them looked at the girl, surprised with how easily she came up with a plan, but they soon recovered and smirks grew on their encouraged faces. The plan was good and it could work very well.

    "As always, you come up with great plans, (Y/N)." Kuroko said to the girl, who flinched embarrassedly.

    "That's true! That was amazing, (L/N)-chan!" Izuki said excited.

    "Oh, thank you. I'm just trying to help . . . it's only because I know Ryota, it could even not work out-" she said quickly and Kagami put a heavy hand on her head.

    "Yeah, don't sell yourself so short. Kuroko told us everything, so if you know how to help then feel free to do so. It's your job, anyway. Isn't it?" Kagami said and the girl's (E/C) eyes widened.

    She noticed he didn't look upset by what she had said to him about him being a lone player like Kise. Not anymore at least. By looking at her, Kagami noticed she had been worried about that, but why would he be mad, though? Once again, she only said the truth and it was only so they . . . well, he . . . could do better in the court. He showed her that it was ok and she smiled at him, thankfully.

    Then, she looked a bit irked at Kuroko, who turned his eyes elsewhere so he didn't have to face her for having told them about the past. She sighed and turned to them all.

    "Ok, so, go get them." She said smiling warmly at them and waving her hand in a 'shoo' motion.

    They reciprocated the smile, but Kagami looked a bit worried, he didn't know if he could pull off that 'synchronize with Kuroko' part.

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