Chap 15: I'm so scared

ابدأ من البداية

I went back home Aryan is still to be home normally he returned late. I freshen up and change into a simple material gown.

After Maghreb prayer I cooked dinner, I'm craving okra soup so I made swallow with fresh okra soup together with Nana (The  chef). I set the table and decided to wait for Aryan since he now reduce his working hours.
I flipped the channels trying to find something interesting to watch.After what I think it's an hour I heard Aryan's car screeches from the drive way.

He knocked at the same time I opened the front door.

"Welcome back" I said.

"How are you" he said taking me by surprise giving me a slight that Aryan? I look up at him,his face hold a small smile,his eyes so many emotions.

"I'm fine, how was your day"

"Stressful" he shortly reply.he went to his room to freshen up.he later came down for dinner. I serve him and then serve mine.

"Wow swallow " he said

"You like it"

"Like you have known what's on my mind, I'm craving it and okra soup is my favorite" noted

He finished everything on his plate I just can't take my eyes of him.he thanked me before going to his study room saying he has an unfinished work.

I watch a movie for like an hour before decided to call it a day. I went to my room and I'm surprised to see what I saw in my room. I don't know when a loud scream escaped my mouth and  I ran out of the room bumping onto someone.i clutches that person so much as if wanted to strike him to death.

"It's okay" I heard Aryan calming me down but I'm so scared

"What is it" he ask,but I couldn't utter a word.

The end.....
You wanted to know what she saw 😁
And it wasn't Aryan then who
What is she scared of ?
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Ok ok I'm joking it doesn't end
Scroll down to continue 😌

Third person pov

He was in his study trying to wrap up some unfinished work when a loud and piercing scream erupted toward Lilarh's room, He walked out immediately and went to her room at same time she ran out of her room bumping on him.she hugged him so tight clutching his shirt.

"It's okay" he doesn't know what happend to got her this scared but just said that to calm her

"What is it " he ask but she is too scared to speak.

" W...wwall g...eckooo " she said stammering and trembling.

"Wall gecko" he ask to be sure

"Yes in my room" she said,so she's afraid of wall gecko he thought,he could have laugh but he know she would be angry at him so he drag her to his room sitting her on the bed,he gave her some water which she gulp down immediately.

She look around his room carefully wanted to find something so he said " there is no wall gecko in my room" smiling which got her a little bit embarrassed.

He went back to her room and of course there's a big wall gecko at the wall close to her bed. If this small thing can scared her she must be also afraid of lizards. He chuckled and went toward her closet to get her pajamas.

She look around his room, of course it's exquisite even more than her's,the room was large, spacious and very beautiful.everything is white from the beddings,sofa, chandelier,curtains which have a little touches of black.that got her thinking if white is his colour same goes to his study room and also he often wear white clothes.
The room is very tidy everything arrange in according order.
She kept admiring the room when the door opened and he walk in.

"The room would be fumigated tomorrow you can sleep in my room" he said to her giving her pajamas to her.

"Thank you" she said and walk to the closet to change.
She timidly walk out and take the left side of the bed.
He picked the pillow and a duvet and Walk toward the couch.he know she won't like them to share the bed.

"What are you doing" she ask

"Going to sleep " came his short reply.

"On a sofa"


"Oh no I can't let you take the sofa"she said standing up

"No don't worry I can manage"

"It's your bed I can't let you sleep on the sofa "

"I also can't let you take it"

"We can .... Share the bbed" she timmorously said

"No you won't be comfortable" he know she won't like it

"Please I also won't be comfortable taking your bed leaving you on that couch your body would aches" she said softly making him smile. she's really caring.

" Okay" he walk to the bed taking the right side.she shifted to the edge of the bed,one turn she would be on the floor.

He looked at her, and he suddenly started to realize things about himself that were unspoken for years, he don't know but all he do is think of her on every occasion and in everything he do, and the simpliest things like a bright blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm clouds on the horizon brings her to his mind.

He like spending time with her every second with her feel scintillating, even the awkward and the silence moment.its just her,the way she smile, talk, act everything about her is so captivating.he doesn't know how or when but he found himself attracted to her like a magnet pulling him to her. He doesn't know what feeling is it but all he knows is he wanted there relationship to work out. He want to spend every minutes of his life with her. He want to be with her for the rest of his life.

He doesn't know when he started caressing her face,damn she's so beautiful. Everything about her is so bewitching and enchanting especially her charming smile which is so infectious with those two prominent dimples.Looking into her eyes is the most enjoyable thing that he can't stop doing and he wouldn't mind if that became a hobby.

She stirred in her sleep and hugged the bolster very tight.she buried her self into it.
I wish I was the one she's hugging.
"What's wrong with you Aryan?" His conscience asked

He dragged her toward the middle of the bed so she won't fall down, leaving a little space between thi. He do some Duas then blurred it on her then off the light.



How are you all.hope everyone is fine.

How is this chapter.
Aryan's change, who saw that coming

Who is also afraid of that disgusting creature wall gecko (tsaka).I hate that thing.
Share your experience in the comment section

Where are those cockroach and lizards scarers
This chapter is for you,😂😌

Spice me up with your comments.
Also i won't update anytime soon EXCEPT you votes. And I mean it.

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Bye 👋🏿👋🏿

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